Download the four-page 1983 DBX 900-series catalog (plus a period DBX pricelist):
DOWNLOAD: DBX900_series_1983_catalog
The DBX 900 series has been mentioned a few times on this site. These are great little units that can add a lot of processing power to a studio for very little money and space. At a time when the API 500 series has come into serious vogue, with modules selling for $400- $1500, you can still fill out a 8-space DBX frame for a little over a grand. True, they are not transformer I/O units, but I use these things all the time and they do the job. Quiet, clean, and very reliable. Not the most exciting sounds, but if you need an extra 8 compressors… you got ’em.
The 902 De-esser module (at left) is the only piece from this series that has attained ‘classic’ status, and it is an excellent De-esser. I often use the 903 compressors for Tom mics and I’ve been pretty satisfied with them. I’ve had my setup (two gates, five comps, one desser) for about 10 years and it has never hiccuped.
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