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Happy Holidays.

I use low-power single-ended tube amps in our home for music and movie listening.  8watts per channel won’t cut it for a party, though, so today i dug deep into the PS basement and came up with this system for our holiday party.

The McIntosh 2125 was one of their earlier solid-state power amps.  Thing thing weighs a ton.  It really sounds fantastic.

When M dropped off these Urei 809s for (possible) use in the new studio, I was a bit dubious.   True, these were state-of-the art 30 years ago, but… Well, anyhow, I listened to them for the first time today and i am very impressed.  These things really sound great.  Listening to tracks that I have heard hundreds of time,  I was hearing things that I had never noticed before.  That being said, they are also very pleasant to listen to.  I learned the basics of studio-recording at university in the mid-90s.  The school had a state-of-the-art circa 1980 studio, with a Trident console and a pair of Urei 813 monitors, which were the big brothers of the 809s.   Maybe my fondness for the sound of the 809s is some sort of sonic nostalgia.  Possible.


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