Pilot Radio Corp Hi-Fi Line Circa 1962

Download the entire twenty-page 1962 PILOT hi-fi catalog:

DOWNLOAD: Pilot_HiFi_Line_1962_Catalog

Models covered include: Pilot 610, 602MA, 602SA, 654MA, and 746 receivers; Pilot Mark III, 280B, 285, and 780 FM tuners; Pilot 230, 240, 246, and 248B stereo integrated amplifiers; Pilot 200, 120, and 100 FM Stereo Multiplexers; Pilot-Garrard RC-3, RC-5, and RC-4 turntables; and Pilot PSV-2, PSV-3A, and PSV-4 speaker systems.

When you think of //Long Island City/Audio History//, what comes to mind, if anything?  Likely Fairchild and Marantz.   Pilot made neither pro-audio nor true high-end hi-fi, but as the graphic above reveals, they had quite a deep and storied history.   I have only one PILOT piece in my audio-pile (never say c%!!&ction) – an early stereo extension speaker – but I would bet that some of these pieces are pretty decent.


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  • would like to find information on pilot radio super hetrodyne model 40154 made by pilot radio and tube corporation lawerence mass.u.s.a. if any info is avalable i am most appreciative marv

  • I have a console with pilot gear in it . Pilot tuner /pre-amp..and a pilot amp with kt66 out put /williamson design with 2 6sn7 . Benjamin Miracord Auto record changer , and it originally came with a goodmans speaker .I replaced it with a university triaxial speaker 15 in . It rocks and sounds better then any hi end system I have heard . Legend has it that this system won 1st prize in the 1954 hi fi convention in 1954 . My friends dad built it . I restored the cabinet finish-danish modern of course///burgundy color.

  • hi,
    just starting to look at the pilot, i just found a 230 model. someone has done a lot of blob soldering joints and the caps are done for. i think i would like to give this little piece a new start, but shure could use a schematic. by looking i dont really trust earlier work.

    • Redo all the solder joints and use RMA flux and clean aggressively. Change all the lytics pro forma. Google for schematic.

      • i have looked everywhere i know to look with no happy ending, but thanks bafflegab s

  • just found a pilot radio corp model # 1078 great condition havent plugged it in , whats it worth ? who wants it its in phoenix

    • Hi,
      I also recently found a 1078 in good working order except it has a nasty 60 cycle hum, I believe. Any suggestion on how to ground that hum? And Yes, It is worth fixing Mike. I think it can about $1,000 or more at auction. I would say ebay it, but the shipping charges would be astronomical.

  • I found a c 1076 radio with matching speaker, is it worth refurbishing? How much would it be worth after I had the cabinets done and in working order?

  • I'm looking for a Pilot 240 output transformer. Any chance you have something you can part out or sell something I can use for parts?

    Please let me know.

    Doug Ford
    Sanford, FL

  • I have a pilot stereo / turntable console, its quite big trying to find out what model this is and have no clue.

  • In the most respectful way I am writing to tell you this: I have problems with a Pilot 246 amp, I need a copy of the service manual.
    Thank you in advance for your kindness.

  • I have a high fidelity 75 watt amp from pilot I was wanting to know more about this specific piece. Feel free to email me if you have any information. It's in working condition.

  • I've got a Pilot Multiplexer 100 (a multiplex adaptor) that works well with my H.H. Scott 330-D AM/FM tuner with a MPX output.

    Sadly, I had to completely retube the Pilot multiplex adaptor, and could not keep her original tubes in it. It kept popping in and out of stereo.

    I used JJ ECC802S, a JJ ECC801S, and a NOS Sylvania 6X4. After the new tubes were installed, It was a breeze to align with with my trusty Heathkit FM Stereo Generator IG-37.

    JJ tubes really work awesome!!

    The thing has operated perfect for the last five years.

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