Categories: Technical

Simple Tube Program EQ project

From the September 1947 issue of RADIOCRAFT magazine: an interesting ‘response equalizer’ project that looks to have great potential for use in the recording studio.  Download the complete article with schematics:

DOWNLOAD: ResponseEQ1947

You will need to download and read the article for complete details, but essentially this circuit provides the following functionality, with 7 controls:  4-position high-pass.; variable low-end boost with 4 selectable frequencies; 4-position low pass; variable high-end boost with 4 selectable frequencies; 10db overall gain with variable output trim.  And it does all of this with no inductors or transformers, and just one very cheap 6SJ7 tube.

To use this circuit in a complete studio-ready device, we will need to add several things:  First, an output stage capable of easily driving a 15k:600 output transformer.  I am going to try the very simple output circuit show above, taken from

A 250-300v DC power supply (plus 6.3v filament power) will also be necessary; plus input and output transformers.  Once I get this all together, I will also need to figure out a good, silent bypass-switching arrangement.   Should be a good inexpensive tube eq project.   The overall application is very similar to the Pultec EQP-1A; this unit will not have as precise control due to the lack of inductors; but it will cost a heck of a lot less (likely $250 of parts verses $800 to build a Pultec).  Plus it allows one to boost and cut at different frequencies, which the Pultec does not offer.  Expect some build-notes, images, and audio examples here soon.


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  • I'll be interested in hearing how this turns out if you come back to it one day. It looks like a build I can probably manage. Thanks for posting it.

  • Hi Matth. I did finish it, shortly after I wrote that follow up. It worked great, although it had way too much gain (around 40 db). It sold almost immediately so i was never able to post any audio clips of it. It's happily employed now with a busy producer and it has found its way onto many records!

  • Hi Chris, I really enjoyed your Federal 864 clone article.
    Your build notes helped me alot, thank you very very much.
    I was thinking my next project would be this EQ.
    Wonder you are kind enough to add some hints to pick trans.
    I know you are fan of Edcor, did you use those? what about input? Again thank you for all those info.

    • Hi sho. I used a jensen 1:10 input trans and and edcor 15k:600 half-watt output trans. This resulted in a lot of gain. Enough to use the thing as a mic pre with a tube mic.

  • i work on jukeboxs and rebuild the amps i`m thinking of using this circuit in place of the avc circuit in a seeburg c amp i`ll take photos and video clips of it it should make it sound better

  • Chris,
    Thank u very much for posting this equalizer diagram ,i tried to do this... Works great!

  • Hello there
    do you think you have pcb friends who think to make this circuit

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