Altec Musical Sound Equipment circa 1973

Download the sixteen-page Altec Musical Sound Equipment catalog circa 1973:

DOWNLOAD: AltecMusical1973

Products covered, in text, specs, and lovely 70s gradient photography, include: Altec 417, 418, 421, and 425 series musical instrument speakers (drivers); Altec 626A, 654A, 655A, 650B, and 656A microphones; 1212A and 1214A ‘altec control consoles’ aka powered mixers; 1207C, 1211A, and 1217A column loudspeakers; 1202B, 1204B, 1208B, and 1218A ‘voice of the theatre’ speaker systems; 771B BiAmplifier and its associated 1209B, 1219A, and 1205B powered ‘voice of the theatre’ systems; 1215A an 1225A folded horn and multicell tweeter; 9477B power amplifier; 1220AC ‘audio control console’ aka 10×1 live sound mixer; plus the contemporary voice of the theatre individual components 811B and 511B horns, 807-8A and 808-8A drivers, N809-8A crossover, and 828B cabinet.  Plus a range of accessories.

This is not a full-range catalog; rather the focus is plainly on live-sound reinforcement for rock and pop bands.  There is an emphasis on volume, power, and road-worthiness in all of the product-prose.

Dig the excellent tequila-sunrise comin’ on behind the Altec Musical Instrument Speakers.  It was a popular, if pricey, move in the 70s to replace the factory-installed drivers in your Fender Amp with an Altec (or JBL) aftermarket speaker.  Many amplifier manufacturers of the era offered these as factory-installed options as well.  I have never liked the sound of of these speakers in a guitar amp.  It’s likely simply because I have a more roots-oriented guitar style, but i find that Altec and JBL speakers really rob a good tube amp of the responsiveness (touch-sensitivity) and proper harmonic-breakup that I depend on from the amp.  Maybe if you are into Jazz and/or Metal these would be a good choice.  Anyhow, I always replace them with regular Alnico or ceramic instrument speakers, which generally have a more limited frequency response.  Another downside of the JBL replacement speakers in particular is that they weigh a goddman ton, turining your Deluxe Reverb into something requiring casters.

Since this is essentially a live-sound catalog, the microphones on offer are limited to a range of 5 hand-held type units.  The top-of-the-line dynamic on offer is the 654A.  I bought pile of 4 of these on eBay a few years ago when I needed some mics for a series of rehearsals we were doing.  They were pretty cheap and I figured they would work pretty well.  I found them to be not especially durable, but decently so.  They have pretty good sound, but the feedback rejection is really really bad, even with properly-positioned monitor wedges; but perhaps their worst feature is that the shafts are so frikkin thin that you need to use those awful spring-loaded mic clips.  We still use these in the rehearsal studio when absolutely necessary, but I cannot recommend them.  Might sound cool on acoustic guitar for recording applications.

If you have been following this website for a while, you will know that I am totally obsessed with this style of product photography.  Bring that shit back I say!


View Comments

  • I have a 1220 mixer (with spring reverb!) and 1219a powered speakers. Do you know anyone who might want them?

    • hi, can you send images of your 1220 to see condition ,also I am new to the vintage audio equipment and would like to find one to invest in

      • I know it was years ago, but if you are still looking for an Altec 1220, I have one that works perfectly and looks great.

      • Hello,
        If you still have those columns, and they are just a bit smaller than Shure Vocalmaster columns. I think the 1217's have six 8's in each column, and most importantly are 16 ohms, I would be very interested in them. I have a Vocalmaster from the 70's that sounds great, but I can't find 16 ohm columns in good shape for it. If I use 8 ohm speakers, it starts heating up, which, as you likely know, is not good. So, if you still have them, please email me, and I'll call you about them. Thanks very much.

        • hello Sir, I have a pair of 1217 in great shape, all original drivers. text or call 518 844 1591 if your interested. respectfully, rich

  • Looking for a working Altec 654a microphone for my ham radio station.

    Know where I might find one?

    Thanks, Bruce 4-9-12

    • Gee, Bruce = Did you find the microphone you were looking for? An Altec-Lansing 655-A omnideirectionl mike was passed along to me = I know that is not the same as a 654-A.....and I also haven't hooked this up to anything to see if it works. Do you need it? I can have a friend try it out. What is a fair price?


  • I have a pair of 417B's mounted in an open back cab, with a metal grill. They are dusty and look like they've have had drinks spilled on them but they seem to work fine. Anyone have any info on these?

  • I worked at Altec from 1971-1976. Was the design manager on the 1220 console, 1217 column and many other products. Also took most of the pictures on this page. Thanks for the kudos.

    If you need any info on this era of Altec gear, I have tons of details.

    • Hi Jerry!
      I own one of your altec 1220 console, and i have problems with the master. (monitors and directs outs works fine, but master fails, so I haven´t any of the effects (reveb, compessor, ...)
      Could you please tell me where can I find the schematics? or... Do you have them?
      Thank you very much in advance, and thank you for your console!! I love it!!!!


      • I have this, if Jerry hasn't responded to your query.

        it may cost you copying charges as I don't have this in pdf, and it's easier for me to drive to the copy place than it is to ask my wife to scan it for me.

    • I'm looking at getting a set of 1217As and was wondering what kind of amp is preferred. What kind of power do they need?

    • Jerry,

      Any chance you can tell me what the appropriate input transformer ratio is for the 1220 mic pres?


    • what can you tell me about the Altec 1218A. I have acquired a set and have no idea what they are worth or how to test them.

    • just found a pair of these tens..... really hard to find info....... one will need recooning, is that even possible :). i love these hiigher powered tens for guitar...... i see it is the same magnet as the 12...... is the wattage75?

      cheers and thanks :)

      Altec Lansing 425-8H Series II.

  • JBL and Altec guitar speakers are excellent hi fi speakers in the right cab, and steel guitar guys like them too.

  • I have a pair of Altec 1218A "Voice of the Theatre" speakers. The speakers are dead and need to be reconed. The HF horn and drivers and crossovers work great. The case is very good condition given the age of this unit (missing 1 cover). Make Offer. Located in NY 10510.

  • I did sound for Cheap Trick for several years in the early days. We used the 1220 and dragged that thing all over the midwest into countless bars & clubs. It was built like a tank and sounded nice. As I recall the only problem we had with it was that one of the meter lights burnt out. Amazing!

  • I have these drivers Altec N809.8A along with the 418 bass units plus the 807 and 808 compression drivers with the horns as well , although i see that these are use for musical equipment, my question could be use for regular stereo reproduction using an old fisher tube amp ?

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