Categories: Pro Audio Archive

The Fostex B16 tape machine

Download fourteen pages of early-80s publications regarding the Fostex B16 1/2″ sixteen-track tape recorder.


You will find in the package: a complete pricelist; a lengthy ‘test report’ as published in ‘Modern Recording and Music’ Nov 1984; plus an original 6-panel full-color product sheet.

The B16 was the flagship product-offering from FOSTEX in the 1980s; it was available in 3 models.  The base model had a belt-driven system and was capable of 7.5 ips or 15ips operation.  The B16D was direct-drive and offered a number of additional ‘professional’ features, including 30ips operation.  The B16DM was a 3-head version, which I have never seen or heard of outside of the literature that I am offering here.

Anyone using one of these things?  impressions?

Follow this link for earlier PreservationSound dot com coverage of the FOSTEX B-16, featuring Christine McVie.


View Comments

  • I never saw a three head version either!

    One of the more tedious alignments, I did a ton of these in NYC when they were popular.

    It was not a bad sounding machine for what it was.

    Do you recall what these sold for when they came out?

  • hi, i'm looking for the original price of the eightees of the fostex B-16, anyone ?

  • I have a few tapes made on this machine from the 1980s, but have no machine. Does anyone have a contact in Australia with a working deck?

    • I have just received a B16 in great condition. Will be checking
      have service manual alignment tape and great service shop. My business is sound transfer. Doing the best work here at a fully equipped facility. My work is know worldwide in the Film Score business.

      Johnny Dee Davis

      • I have a B16 that does not record or play back and the counter is stuck at zero. Tape transport works fine record, ff, play rewind. Is their an internal 7+1/2 to 15 ips switch? What repair does it need. Should I sell?

        • Hi Mr Melody.
          I just purchased a B16 along with about 80 original studio tapes. Need parts for my machine because I want to digitise the original recordings for the copyright owner. B-16 runs at 15ips only. I may be interested in purchasing yours because mine has different faults. Might end up with a good working machine. Please let me know if you are interested in selling.

  • Detin un Fostex b16 adus din Germania din studio a fost transformat de specialisti pe 4 piste normal cap FF Sony piloni de ghidaj modificati motor Telefunken m15 motor sigur puternic transformat din viteza 38 in 19 o5 datorita celor 2 piste de latime mai mare fata de capatul original cu piste inguste suna exceptional joase originale placut catifelate inalte f.f. metalic fin vred ca da clasa la orice akai leam comparat .Voi incerca sal adaptez sa inregistreze voi incerca actual inregistrez pe supermagnetofonul Philips n 4520 un adevarat campion la box cu alte marci de top.Mentionez lam modificat estetic capota fata benzi vopsit rosu aprins automoto laterale plasate din lemn de stejar lacuit revopsit restul negru arata superb un tanc muzical dar si un sunet care alunga rivalii chiar daca e modificat in decadere l semiprofesional.Salutari din Romania Neamtu Ioan.

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