The AKG C-24 stereo condenser mic. Yes please. I think if I added up all the time i have spent mounting my Neumann TLM 103s on their X/Y mount I would i run out and buy one of these. Oh wait! I don’t have $12,000! Nevermind! Anyone have a strong reco for an affordable XY mic that will put the TLM 103s back in their cases for good?
Above, and above: the AKG C 60. I’ve never used one of these. Nice-looking example on eBay right now for $850.
The AKG D19. I own one of these, and I have used it on a few tracks…nice for low-fi-ish hard-strumming steel-string acoustic gtr. Based on my experience, I feel like the stated claim of 40-16k hz response is extremely optimistic. The D19 shows up in a few places in music history: most notably as one of the go-to mics at Abbey Road during the Beatles early sessions. It also shows up in this Elvis/Martina McBride video (see here) wherein Martina duets with The King. I was working at SONYMUSIC when this video was produced, and I couldn’t help but wonder… in the original ’68 Comeback special, Elvis is using an EV RE15... which looks an awful lot like a D19… Martina’s husband/engineer John McBride is one the biggest Beatles fans in the world… antique microphone conspiracy theories, take one.
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The AKG D24 Dynamic mic. Anyone?
Previous vintage AKG microphone coverage on Preservation Sound:
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