As far as audio culture, sartorial style, musical taste, etc: which of these impressions formed my Hero paradigm? Which became sublimated to create my Shadow self? My Anima? How might these concepts be present as projections in my conscious life?
Perhaps a scan through the RocknRoll audio-culture of the 1970s will shed some light on these hidden operations. Join us for what promises to be an interesting journey…
MASCO was one of America's leading manufacturers of public-address equipment during the vacuum-tube era. The…
Audio Devices, INC manufactured the popular 'Audiotape'-brand 1/4" tape in the 1950s and 1960s. They…
Starting this month I am scaling back the monthly WPKN FM radio show to one…
Im back from 2 weeks in Japan, time that I primarily spent hunting for records.…
Available now on LoveAllDay Records : the new LP "Secular Music Group Volume 1"- avail on vinyl…
This month's Preservation Sound Radio program will air tonight Tuesday May 21 at 8:30 PM.…
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The seventies basically sucked, which was why "Happy Days", "Grease", and "American Graffiti" were so iconic. The early seventies had Vietnam, protests of Vietnam, and envirowhackos telling us we were all doomed. The economy sucked through most of the decade. In England it imploded totally, leadiong to howls of "NO FUTURE...AND WE MEAN IT MAN..." Later on you had Jiminy Carter, the hick pious girly-man, Disco, Disco Sucks, on and on and on. Everyone wanted the old America back, which made nostalgia for what was then the recent past a surefire winner. Reagan, despite his faults, won by a big, big landslide and there were those who were surprised, showing some people just don't pay attention.
Now, we have Mad Men.....history has its recurring motifs.
Another facet of the Bob Heil story is that as Bob admits, he HATED rock and roll. He was a theater organ enthusiast and regarded rock as the work of the Devil. But he learned to love rock when the touring sound business made him a fortune.