1940: Radioman Romance

Was electronics repair ever a ‘sexy’ profession?  “RADIO NEWS” March 1940 seems to make this case.  Wishful thinking, I imagine…








One response to “1940: Radioman Romance”

  1. Bafflegab Avatar

    It depended on a lot of things, but at one time, “radio repairman” or “TV Repairman” was up there with milkman as jobs most likely to get into situations like this. Big console radios, big TVs and big console stereos weren’t brought into the shop but fixed onsite, so you were in houses. I grew up hearing the stories of the old guys who had been on those jobs for decades and there were enough of them to know they weren’t all bullshit.

    One old guy I knew claimed that a surprising number of housewives in the early 60s in his upscale locale wanted someone to get them pregnant, and of course he obliged in several cases. Seems hubbies weren’t doing the job due to overwork.

    A co-worker in an avionics shop who used to fix TVs in the 70s said that if he had taken advantage of even a small percentage of opportunities he had for liaisons he would have been dead of exhaustion. He also added that he knew of more than one serviceman who had been caught by an irate husband and severely beaten. “If you’re going to do stuff like that, only do it in rich neighborhoods. A CPA isn’t going to kick your ass like a construction worker will”.

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