Antique Hi-Fi Archive

EMPIRE High Fidelity: Complete c. 1964 Catalog

Download the complete 16pp EMPIRE “World’s most perfect high fidelity components” catalog (circa 1964 – exact year is unclear):

DOWNLOAD: Empire_HiFi_1964

Products covered, with text, specs, and images, include: Empire Grenadier model 8000, Royal Grenadier 9000, and Imperial Grenadier 8200 speakers; Empire Troubador 398 and 488 turntables; Empire 880, 880P, and 880PE cartridges; and empire 980 tonearm.

Oh yeah it’s those round speakers!  I come across these things every year or so in some un-re-decorated suburban ranch house.  Never bothered to buy a pair: just too big and not really my style, finish-wise.  Although they appear a bit chintzy in construction, they apparently handle 100 watts and the woofers have 18LB magnets!  Anyone currently using a pair of these speakers?

Now as for those ranch-houses…

43 replies on “EMPIRE High Fidelity: Complete c. 1964 Catalog”

My dad has a pair. He’s had them ever since I can remember and I’m 54 now. They are pristine! I remember they sounded great, but you never heard anything but beethoven and mozart playing through them.

We’re finally letting our set of speakers go, complete with the round marble tops that made them into end tables. As Mimi said – great sound.

I had a pair of Grenadires back in 1968 and would love to have them again. Are you selling your Dave?

Are you still interested in the empire grenadier 9000’s? there is a local pair available at present that I could check on for you.

We have a set Royal Grenadier model 9000. In really good shape. I have pics if anyone is interested.

Tengo un par de speakers Empire, model 8000/ 12W, grenadier .. 8 OHMS IMPEDANCE 100 WATTS MAX. MUSIC POWER. También un par de empire modelo 9000/MHX , woofer

Looking to give a circa 1973 pair a home. Will not ship.
Located in Central PA.
No reasonable offer refused.

I have a pair of Empire Grenadier model 8200 in very good condition. Anyone want to make me an offer?

Where are the speakers located and can you e-mail pictures

REGARDS…. Douglas (502) 955-7606

speakers are located in NJ and I will gladly send you pictures assuming I have an email address. Doreen Mollenhauer

I have a pair of model 6000 speakers. Located in New York Long Island. If you are interested please email me. Thank you.

I am looking for a set of Empire 9000 mid-range Tweeter and cross over or if price is right a set of 9000 Empires

I do have pairs of 9000GT models. But not sure these come with a marble top like they brother and sister

I have a pair of the original model 6000 I am the original owner. In great shape. Located in New York Long Island. If you are interested please email me. Thank you.

I have 4 nice original Empire Grenadier Speakers Marble Top Model 4000
90 Watts rating We are in the Annapolis Md area

I have a set of Empire Model 9000 Royal Grenadier with the marble tops, listed on audiogon

Hi, My name is Deborah, I have a set of Empire Royal Grenadier 9000 speakers. They sound wonderful, and look good as end tables. They did not have the marble tops when I got them, Iam still looking for some. If anyone is interested in them I would be willing to sell them. they are really pretty, just wish had the tops for them! my email is

How do you connect to these speakers I have the 6000 model I got at goodwill for 20.00 thought they were marble end tables. Found out they were speakers , but dont see a way to connect anything to them. ANYONE KNOW

The 9000s have the terminals under them. Yours Should be the same. Sit the marble top aside and tilt them over and look underneath. .Don’t go smaller numerically than 14 Gage pure copper wires. I am trying to figure out how to pick up a nice pair of 9000s at an estate sale for $300. Without getting strangled for buying more speakers.

I have the the empire WOOFERS9000 and tweeters for sale contact me at Jaime 6612124023


I may be a little late in his post, but just in case… Anyone in the Los Angeles area still has a pair of 9000 in good shape?
Can you email me with price?
Thank you
Text Eric @ 818-648-8626

We have a pair of Empire Royal Grenadier 9000’s in excellent condition, including all wood, marble tops, and of course the speakers. Original owner since 1968. Available in Cleveland area.

I just picked up a pair of 8400 Grenadier’s at the GW for 47.00 and no tops. I don’t even know the year of manuf. My brother happens to be in the granite and marble buisness, I wish I new what they used for the tops he could locate and fab me a nice pair. He already offered to make a set for me, but I told him to hang on to see if I can find any info about the tops specifically. A bit rough but will clean up nicely. THANKS for saving this catalog, although mine are not in it, info on these is a bit scarce as you know. Once cleaned up I will shoot you some pics for the site for you to do with as you please, use, toss, post elsewhere, its all good. THANKS again for posting this, and to all those who commented as well.

We have a pair of Empire Royal Grenadier 9000’s without the marble tops. They are not for sale, but someone asked if anyone was still using a pair and how thye sound. I had the speakers reconditioned at a place in Tampa called Speaker Exchange. The sound is tremendous! Just doesn’t get any better than this.

I have a pair of the grenadeer 8400″s and the surrounds are deteareorated So can they be replaced with rubber surrounds symilair to Cerwin Vega surrounds

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