Products covered include the Bozak B-400, B-300, B-305, B-310, and B-302 hi fi speaker systems, as well as the B-199A, B-209, B-200x, B-207A, and B-200xA drivers. Bozak N-10102, N-103, and N-104 crossovers are also described. Bozak apparently also offered all of their 1958 systems as baffle-only, intended for custom installation work…
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Chris, those panel-mounted Bozak speakers were indeed for custom installations. You can imagine what a sweet sound system could be built into a big living room with fabulous modern furniture out in the room.
Rudy Bozak later got in on the ground floor of discotheque sound systems, designing what was one of the first compact mixers for dance club DJs. Bozak knew how to build sound systems that had gut-thumping bass, so this was a natural place for him to be.
My parents had a pair of B310 speakers in the living room, and they would listen to classical music at full symphony orchestra SPLs. The Bozaks were driven by a pair of MC-75 amps. The turntable, preamp and, later, CD player were in a separate room, as were the power amps, so there was no issue with window-rattling SPLs messing with the playback gear. I recall the Bozaks sounding like very good 1960s speakers -- not clear and crisp like a modern speaker but with no tricks employed to get bass response so whatever air was moving a low frequencies was come by honestly.
I've often wondered about rebuilding a B310 with a modern tweeter array and perhaps tuning the crossover differently. I do think a Klipschorn placed against two hard plaster walls would generate deeper and thicker bass, but the Bozaks could be used in more rooms with good results.
-- Tom Fine
I can't download the 1958 Bozak catalog. Could you let me know when your site works ok, or email it to me? Thanks, Tom (Los Angeles)
works fine for me bud. don't know what to tell ya - c/
Do you know where I can find the necessary crossover or capacitor (?) for placing a Bozak 200y tweeter back onto a 199A Bozak speaker to convert it back to an original coaxial speaker? I see pictures of the small unit mounted on the speaker but don't know the specs on getting one or wiring it.
I believe I can help you with the necessary parts to restore your Bozaks to original condition, I am a lover of Bozak speakers and bought my first pair of 302A's in 1979, back then you had to order them they were built then shipped to you, I was in the Air Force stationed at Vandenburg AFB, and it took 8 weeks to get them. Anyway I have purchased a couple of additional pairs of used ones since then on EBay, some in good condition others not so much. I have a couple of extra woofer mount rings that hold a 12" woofer and mount 2 tweeters in front of it, and would be happy to sell them, however when you speaking of Bozacks not having the brightness of others its because the tweeters are mounted in that fashion, some Audiophiles such as myself move them to an upper location either in the cabinet or in a small cabinet on top, the addition of a Super Tweeter or two really brings these speakers alive, as for the replacement capacitors they were a electrolyte fluid, wax paper, foil type in a cardboard tube dipped in wax, my experience is to replace them with new units available at Parts Express as the old ones dry out and operation becomes erratic, I do have the old cap's if you insist on using them but I cannot guarantee there conditional operation, the values are 5mf, 10mf,and 20mf, (VARIES FROM YEAR TO YEAR) if you do buy modern caps just match the values and dimensions they are easily replaced but require complete disassembly and desoldering of crossover network, if you would like to discuss things further just send me an Email and I will send you my phone no. and we can disscuss prices also. thanks Jeff @ Matrixx Sound Solutions Llc. Mesa Az. 85201
Hi Jeffrey,
I just came under ownership of a pair of B4000A Modern. My question is, for speaker connection on the back it says #1 and #2
8ohms. In general terms which is positive and which is negative?
(Excuse me for not using the proper terminology) if You could help me I would greatly appreciate it. Also when I actually get inside these speakers it's good to know You are available for replacement items.
I need the same info just got a set of b313s on the speaker Terminals it has 1&2 what is the Positive and which is a negative
From my experience......the 1 is Negative and 2 is Positive. Sometimes you can barely see a red area under the No# 2.....This is according to a newer, but still "Rudy" correct, connection.
Found pair of b 302a speakers for sale at goodwill auction site today:
I am trying to find a N-102 network for a Bozak 305 system and wondered if you might steer me in the right direction.
I'm trying to find the capacitor specs for the one used is used the B-1000A (The Bard)
What is the efficiency of
Bozak b-302a century?