Came across this charming lil ‘Recording Microphone Selector’ interactive marketing-gimmick.
Inside the cardboard sleeve (which offers frequency-distribution information regarding various musical devices/situations) is a two-piece device. When pulled/tugged, the device responds by suggesting which A/T offering might best suit your needs.
The rear of this slide-rule goes so far as to then suggest where-to-stick said microphone.
Nice to see that my A/T 813 rates so highly in this competition, garnering numerous “Number-Ones.”
On a more serious note, tho, despite my initial lack of enthusiasm over my $50 eBay-d 813, it seems to be proving its mettle… it gets used weekly for acoustic slide gtr and mandolin in conjunction with my DIY’d REDD47 mic pre… mainly because it does not require phantom power, true, but it’s hanging tough alongside the much more expensive AKG 451 nonetheless. Gotta get around to that SDC shoot-out one of these days…