Categories: The 4-Track

Home Recording Is Killing Low-End Pro Studios (1989)

“Home Studios are one of the fastest-growing segments of the music equipment industry.  The availability of (fill in the blank) is killing the low-end professional studio scene.  After all, why should musicians pay $1,000 to record on someone else’s four-or-eight track system when they can purchase their own system for the same price?”

Download a 2-pp article from CIRCUS magazine, 1989, on the subject of Home Studio Recorders. Author is one R. J. Grula.  (via The More Things Change ETC dept.)

DOWNLOAD: Circus_4trk_1989_0001


View Comments

  • And the problem is?

    Yes the tradition and all that but times change, we move on. It's called progress.
    I've run a commercial studio for 6 yeasts now and the sooner this fetish for 'correct sound' dies the better. We can all get on with making decent music. And the new generation of bedroom artists and bands have the tools to get on with it without the generation of engineering snobbery the music inofdustry has conned us with that I had to grow up with. Not only that the artist can now have full ownership of their art.

    more power to the people i

  • Home recording is not killing low-end pro-studios. Bad Mixes (read....lack of sound recording and mixing skills) and awful production is killing the middle-class studios. Recording by numbers (like painting by numbers) is the norm in today's affordable digital studios. People can tweedle all they want with the images of their virtual compressors on their computer monitors...working with the real hardware is a different experience...Ah the good old days...when Engineers were real TONMEISTERS......and Producers/Arrangers can actually read and write music...The more things change, the more they remain the same.

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