Pro Audio Archive

MicMix “Master Room” 210 and 305 Spring Reverbs C. 1979

MasterRoom_305Download 8pp of sales + technical information regarding the “Master Room” XL-210 and XL-305 stereo spring reverbs manufactured in 1979 by MicMix of Dallas Texas.


MasterRoom_210The 210 was the economy model.  The 305 had optional balancing transformers.  I regularly use a couple of other contemporary spring reverbs (Orban and Sound Workshop) but I’ve never had a MicMix unit.  Anyone?


13 replies on “MicMix “Master Room” 210 and 305 Spring Reverbs C. 1979”

I used one of these (It was the “super C” model, not listed in your post) on a project a couple months ago. The spring tanks were external to the rack unit.

It sounded really cool with the high shelf cranked. Seemed to sound kind of like something between a spring and plate. You couldn’t hear the spring bouncing/wobbling around as much as other springs I’ve used. It had a decay knob that allowed you to go from long to slightly less long. A little bit of a one trick pony, but it sounded very sweet. You couldn’t make it sound bad, but it didn’t sound great on everything either. We printed a bunch of strings through it.

I really enjoy the site!

I had a 210 model and it was my reverb until I got a PCM 70 in the 90s. For what I was doing (audio post production) it was fine on voice. Mine developed a nasty buzz and since engineering around here doesn’t fix audio things it died a dumpster death.

Mic Mix was based in Dallas, sort of a boutique shop. The engineer who founded the company (name escapes me) passed away unexpectedly in the late 80s or early 90s. The assets were disposed of, one product survived, his single ended noise reduction unit
(dynafex), the intellectual property of that design purchased by CRL (Circuit Research Labs). I still have my dynafex.

I own a 305. It’s a great box. I wouldn’t hesitate to use it any more or less than I’d hesitate to use my plate, or my pcm 70, or my 480. Different flavor, but absolutely on-par from a quality standpoint.

What a great reverb! I am looking to give mine a recap and am having a heck of a time finding a parts list as well as a manual.  I want to ask you if you happen to have one that you would be willing to share with me?  It would mean a ton to myself and this little growing studio of mine 🙂
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and have a great day!

I have a Master Room XL-210 as well as other vintage rack equipment pulled from my dads studio before the building’s sale. If anyone is interested in it, please feel free to email me. I would love for it to go where the items can be used in some way or another.

I’m putting an analog (tape) studio together in Maine and would love a true spring reverb like this. Get in touch if you still have it 207-332-6741

I have a Master Room XL-515 with the expansion box. I’m looking for any documentation on this unit . I also have a XL-404.

Mainly the Cinch Jones cable for the expansion box

if you need jones connectors, call these guys. they have more than i have ever seen. thousands of em. every config. ask for bill. (203) 366-7200

Did you ever find any info on the cable pin out?I have a 500XL with the large tank and no cable. I have the connectors and the pin out for the reverb end of the cable is printed on the box but not on the control end.

I know I am reviving a very old thread, but I am In desperate search of the Super C Master Room schematic/ manual. I am having a bear of a time getting the springs wired right so it doesn’t sound tinny and weird on the longer spring. If I could see the manual I’d be able to know which wire is going where. The conch jones connectors have been wired and required and spliced to no end and I am wanting to start fresh. Does anyone have the schematic or manual? I would be eternally grateful.

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