Pro Audio Archive

The DeltaLab DL-2 ‘Acousticomputer’ of 1979

DeltaLabDL2Download a pile of original sales materials and period-magazine-reviews of the DeltaLab DL-2, and early stereo ‘effects processor’:


Deltalab achieved success with their later Effectron offerings; these were simpler delay-with-modulation devices that sold in high numbers.  You can download a bunch of Effectron lit at this earlier post (and check the comments there for a note from DeltaLab founder Richard DeFreitas!).  I used an Effectron a ton in the studio at Uni; they are really great, fun, creative units.   Nothing that you can’t do with a good delay plug-in, but having those knobs to turn does impact the user-experience in a great way that software can’t.    I had not been aware of this earlier DeltaLab piece.  There was also a DL5 ‘Harmonicomputer’ that I have some limited materials on; if there is enough interest I will post that as well.

DL2_flowchart Delta_Lab_DL2

11 replies on “The DeltaLab DL-2 ‘Acousticomputer’ of 1979”


I would like to get my DL-2 fully serviced and brought back to its original condition. Does anyone know of a DL-2 technician anywhere in the world ? Thanks !

I have one that was repaired just before I stored it by magic music machines of San Francisco.

Hi, I just acquired a DL-5 Harmonicomputer, and would love to have any print you have on that unit. I can find nothing! Thanks!

Hey there – i too have a harmonicomputer – it’d be awesome if you made a post with that information !

Thanks in advance


I have a Delta Lab DL-1. It probably isn’t worth much but to some one who wants something REALLY old school for a very large venue. Or perhaps for playing around with different slap backs that understands this thing.



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