Categories: Microphones

Fostex “Regular Phase” Microphones c. 1980

Download the 4pp 1980 catalog for the original Fostex “Regular Phase” microphone line:

DOWNLOAD: fostex_mics_1980

Models covered, with text, specs, and photos, include: Fostex M85RP, M88RP, M80RP, M77RP, and M55RP.

These mics, like the Fostex RP headphones, use a unique method of transduction that combines elements of dynamic, ribbon, and condenser-mic design.  I’m not 100% sure why they are termed ‘regular phase,’ but I suspect that it might be because the design works without any driver suspension.  You may not have realized before, but consider a generic woofer, and the acordian folds in the suspension:  at any moment of driver excursion, portions of the suspension will necessarily be moving out-of-phase with the cone.  This is a significant cause of transducer distortion.  By eliminating the suspension, that particular distortion factor is eliminated.  Here’s a cutaway of the Fostex design:

I’ve seen a few of these things on eBay from time to time, generally from ex-US sellers, and I’ve never seen one in the flesh, so I imagine that they are pretty rare in the US.  The catalog that I’ve scanned above was actually printed in Canada, so I can’t even say for sure if these were sold in the US.  I am super-curious, though, as I have always really loved the Fostex RP headphone line (I own a pair of T50, a pair of T40, and several pairs of T20s), and I’ve also had good luck with the classic Fostex full-range Banana Cone hi-fi drivers, so these mics seem like something I might dig.  Anyone?


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  • Stan Coutant's site recently put up a very cool old Fostex tech report on the printed ribbon series that goes way in depth on the construction of these things.
    We had access to an M88rp in college that I fell in love with, in part because it sounded so great on a guitar cab and also for its odd, illusive history. I've been meaning to catch one on ebay ever since but they make very seldom appearances, and in the rare occasion that they do turn up ( they're always well outside my heavily indebted college grad budget...

  • I've also been a fan of the Fostex mics ever since I bought the M22RP MS mic on sale at Leo's in Oakland c. 1985. I went on to collect most of the RP series, and loaned many of them to Stan Coutant to add to his wonderful microphone website at

    Here's a heads-up. I'm currently in the process of selling off my mic and studio inventory, mostly on e-bay. I plan to list the Fostex mics as a collection, selling the five I have, housed in a Fostex branded demo suitcase, as a single unit. These five include the M11RP, M22RP, M80RP, M85RP and M88PR. I also bought the M77RP at one time, but can't seem to put my hands on it right now.

    Nice to know there are others who appreciate the Fostex mics.

  • I have two M77RP mics I bought in the early 90's from an audio shop in Utah, which special ordered them. I have used them to record music (drums, singing and spoken vocals, instruments like acoustic guitar, flute, sax and didgeridoo) as well as field recording. I am still using them, and have not encountered another make of microphone that would prompt me to switch.

    • Hi
      Can you drop me a link on a female vocal recorded on a M77RP?

      Would be great!

      Thanks, Hans

  • I have a Fostex M88RP that I am interested in selling. Any recommendations on locations?

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