MASCO was one of America's leading manufacturers of public-address equipment during the vacuum-tube era. The…
Audio Devices, INC manufactured the popular 'Audiotape'-brand 1/4" tape in the 1950s and 1960s. They…
Starting this month I am scaling back the monthly WPKN FM radio show to one…
Im back from 2 weeks in Japan, time that I primarily spent hunting for records.…
Available now on LoveAllDay Records : the new LP "Secular Music Group Volume 1"- avail on vinyl…
This month's Preservation Sound Radio program will air tonight Tuesday May 21 at 8:30 PM.…
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Looks like an Emu -
Yup. Looks like an Emu.
That is an EMU but it is not Suzanne Ciani
Looks like a MOTM. I dont see any sliders, doubt its an ARP
Hey, you're only 20 years too early... MOTM came out in 1998, not 1978
Suzanne Ciani on an E-Mu Modular System
Shoot is that who it is! Makes sense.
Ive seen photos of her from the 80s, but never this
Early. I wouldnt have recognized her.
that is not suzanne ciani. this is suzanne ciani.
It's an EMU with a 4060 microprocessor keyboard and it's NOT Cianni.
A couple people on Facebook identified her as Cynthia Webster.
What can you tell us about cynthia webster?
Any noteable recordings?
The Cynthia Webster website link is:
Yes, she is this beautiful girl.
Ah, she has a website with the same photo on it but it has now changed since it seems to rotate the photos. Anyway the other photos have captions but that one does not when it appears so maybe it is Cynthia Webster.
She also looks a bit like Alan R Pearlman's wife who appeared on an ARP2600 advert but maybe it is not her.
Also she is mentioned here:
Maybe San Francisco Tape Music Center?
Delia Derbyshire with a home built synth
According to Peter Kirn it is indeed Cynthia Webster. I'd agree it looks like an Emu modular.
Definitely an E Mu Modular. That's a 4060 KBD and a pretty full main cabinet. Great times. I had one with a Zappadapter. That KBD was based on a Z80 chip. Polyphony was 16 CVs and Gates and could record up to 6000 notes!