MASCO was one of America's leading manufacturers of public-address equipment during the vacuum-tube era. The…
Audio Devices, INC manufactured the popular 'Audiotape'-brand 1/4" tape in the 1950s and 1960s. They…
Starting this month I am scaling back the monthly WPKN FM radio show to one…
Im back from 2 weeks in Japan, time that I primarily spent hunting for records.…
Available now on LoveAllDay Records : the new LP "Secular Music Group Volume 1"- avail on vinyl…
This month's Preservation Sound Radio program will air tonight Tuesday May 21 at 8:30 PM.…
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Funny you should ask! I just picked one up today for $5! Yes $5 from my local rubbish dump re-cycle centre! It was a bit tatty and dirty and the mains lead had been cut off - not a good sign - but I checked out the fuse in the back and it was not blown. So I gave it a shot. For $5 I thought I got a part-out bargin but I put a new mains lead on it just for the hell of it and bingo it powered up! Further more every bit of it works! even the tape mechanism - I recorded with a mike and guitar and the sound was great! I used to have a Tascam cassette 4 track back in the day (before graduating to a Tascam A38) but this is a far superior machine. I will now give it a complete overhaul/cleanup and use it in my music room for recording rough demos.
good lord that is a score. good work. c.
I picked one up at Goodwill last week. Tape deck needed about ten minutes of love and she's goodto go. Price tag $25.00. Next day got a 65 watt crate amp, it was dusty $15.00 for that.
I bought one here in the UK in 1987...THATS INCREDIBLE ENJOY EVERY MINUTE ¬
please sell it to me.
i have one
will sell east coast
still have this? looking for one. on the east coast. email me please!
I just got ahold of one of these old gems and it is in perfect condition . One light bulb is out on one of the meters and that's it !! I am looking for a buyer . If anyone is interested , please shoot me an e mail . This is old school recording at its finest !!
very long shot, but you don't still have this for sale do you? would love to find one. email me please!
I have one in NJ
Stilllooking for one of these Edward?, ive got a MINT one in the original box and everything...
Have one, I'm the original buyer, bought mine in 85, recorded some clean tracks with this workhorse.. Will sell to highest bidder.. Please respond via my email.. Danilo
I have one for sell in great condition, It's the only one on reverb, just send me your offers if interested.
I have one for sale if anyone is in the Bay Area.
I have two of these wonderful units that I'd be happy to donate to whoever will pay shipping charges.
I have one for sale in the Seattle area if anyone is interested.
I ended up buying this one. Get's here Tues. The anticipation
From Chris, that is.
I have one for sale in SF bay area.
I have one I need to sell by month end when I move. It's super heavy. Albany NY area. $100 plus the cost to package ship and insure. No idea what that would be.
is it still available?
Frank I'm in mass wouldn't mind making the drive to Albany to pick it up.
If anyone has one for parts I need one plastic fader piece and the cassette door. Let me know! I brought one back from the dead and currently have a second for parts. Both came without the cassette door!
I got mine last week.................not 20 minutes ago I broke the cassette door. I got the pieces and looking for the super glue. Ugly usually works better anyways. Lol