Categories: Pro Audio Archive

Rebis Modular Outboard Gear of the 1980s

I was flipping thru some old pro audio mags and this REBIS (distributed by Klark-Teknik) advert caught my eye…  I imagine that there must not be too many of these REBIS racks out there.   I don’t think that I have ever come across any original REBIS documentation in the PS dot com archive, but i’ll give it another look…

There is a very informative thread on GS regarding this line…

For our earlier coverage of the (earlier…) DBX 900 modules, click here…

And for our earlier coverage of the (earlier…) AD&R ‘Scamp’ modules, click here…

And for coverage of the 80’s Aphex module line, click here…

Any 80’s-era modular outboard I’ve missed fellas?  Let us know…


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  • Hi there. Out of interest, was browsing and searching for anything on Rebis Audio as a local gent brought me a complete rack of parametrics, noise gates and compressor limiters for repair / renovation and for sale on EBay if they were any good. These belonged to the father of the guy who used to run a small recording studio here in Rochester, Kent, UK with many local bands paying him visits. Power unit is not available and there isn't much in the rack except the modules so guess it was remote powered. Assuming I get it all working does anyone know how much it could be worth?
    There is at least 2 of each module
    Mono MDA RA213
    Noise gate RA201
    Parametric RA204
    Compressor limiter RA203

    There is also something like a timer module which seems to have some power supply parts on it and a panel with 4 jacks on it which may be a custom connection rather than specifically from Rebis.

    Since this has been in a damp garage storage unit for best part of 10 years it will be interesting to see if I can get it all working!
    In the same unit was a Soundcraft 2A 24/8 mixing desk and power supply so that will be next for the repair workshop.

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