Categories: Synthesizers

1977: Frank Zappa is a funny mffkr

I know that this will be a polarizing thing to say, but I can’t stand Frank Zappa’s music.  I have tried.  Oh brother I have tried.  Also he seems like a total fkkn prick in every interview I have ever read with him.  Like one of those a-holes who acts like he’s having a bad time at the party, but rather than leave the party, dude just hovers around radiating bad vibes.

Now, on the plus side, total prickishness can sometimes turn into comedy gold.  As-in this 1977 interview in Downbeat mag.  Faced with a fairly straightforward question about the role of electronics in music, Zappa delivers a diatribe which ends in the condemnation of summer-homes.  Enjoy…



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  • Frank Zappa was singularly the most highly musically knowledgeable man I ever met, and also one of the strangest. Since my dad was a big band aficianado who had names like Artie Shaw, Maynard Ferguson and Jimmy Van Heusen over for lunch that is a big statement indeed.

    But yeah, strange doesn't cover it. You either get what FZ did....or you don't...and it's cool either way.

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Tags: zappa

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