DOWNLOAD: ciani_1982
Author is one Stephen Kindel. The focus is very much on the economics of being an in-demand synthesist, which may have just been some 80s yuppie zeitgeist shit, or maybe some part of the magazine’s editorial mission. Either way, it’s Karl Marx’s fucking nightmare. Enjoy! Oh, and here she is around the same time on Letterman, doing some sorta wacky proto Liz Lemon-meets-Kate Bush schtick. Love it.
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actually the Holy Modal Rounders, and The United States of America WERE very typical records to find in someone's collection at the end of the 1960s. The Remains were more of a garage rock band and from slightly earlier. they shouldn't even be mentioned along with the other two groups stylistically speaking. the others were very standard Psychedelic LPs. They even took a cut from the Holy Modal Rounders for the Easy Rider soundtrack.
i'm guessing you weren't alive at the time, or maybe not old enough to be buying records, but almost everyone i knew had those records. i had em then, and i own them now, and i still listen to them.
i was many years away from being born