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Kehinde Wiley documentary w/ our analog synth score

Earlier this year I had the chance to work with composer Nathan Halpern on director Jeff Dupre’s documentary “Kehinde Wiley: An Economy of Grace.”  Wiley is one of the most significant contemporary painters;  his work manages to accomplish many of the traditional functions of portraiture while intensely exploring issues of race, class, and hegemony.

You can view the entire program for free at this link (PBS dot org).

The 44-minute documentary won the short-form doc category at SXSW earlier this year, and had its broadcast television debut 9/5/14 on PBS.  You can get all the details here, and view the trailer at Vimeo.

The score was made primarily using the minimal setup you see above here:  an Arturia mini-brute and a Korg MS20 with the oft-maligned but oh-so-versatile Line 6 POD Pro XT effects processor; my el-cheapo Alesis midi controller was also on-hand to operate various soft-synths since it can’t all be monophonic, all the time,,,,.  Drums were primarily recorded at the big room at Gold Coast Recorders.   If you’ve been reading this blog for a while and have ever wondered, ‘but what does he DOOOOOO with all that stuff?’, well, here’s your chance to find out.  I write a lot of music for television, but rarely is a project so near+dear to my heart, both musically and thematically.


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