Categories: Technical

The Fairchild Model 605 Stereo Tube Phono Preamp c. 1959

How y’all  doing on this frigid day in March,,,  so listen, srry abt not posting much new material this past year.  I’ll be frank: as phones keep getting better and better, and online content keeps getting more and more tailored TO the phone as a consequence thereof, many of us are spending less and less recreational time in front of the laptop (although I am still planted in front of some sort of Mac, invariably, for my production and composing work,,,) and more of that ‘leisure’ time with the phone.  Instagram rather than ‘scoping blogs’ seems better tailored to how most folks are spending their recreational internet time these days.  So we’ve been keeping an active+vigorous presence up there.  This blog isn’t going away, but do check out the IG account if you have not yet.

Ok NEways,,, I was diggin thru the archive for something today and I came across the schematic for a phono preamp that Fairchild offered around 1959 – their model 605.  Strangely enough, their prototype (image at head) was labeled ‘606.’  Production examples do bear the mark 605, though, as this example from a Russian website indicates:

(image source)

There is very little information on the web about this unit – in fact, a google search offers,,, good ‘ole Preservation Sound Dot Com as its first result when queried.  And not much else of relevance.  We apparently ran an advert for this very unit some years back (click here for that earlier post).  So I was very excited to see that this unit, which is VERY buildable using off-the-shelf components, had not yet ‘migrated’ onto the web.  The Fairchild 606 offers both MC and MM input stages, 600ohm balanced outputs, and selectable EQ curves and stereo or true mono LP operation.  Now, I’ve built many Marantz and RCA-style tube phono preamps to great success, but this Fairchild is simultaneously exotic AND obtainable enough to be quite intriguing.   So, DIYers of the world, here ya go:  knock yrself out:

(click on image for a (huge) full size image)

There’s nothing exotic in it: no custom inductors, weird-taper pots, or un-source-able transformers.  The toughest thing to find might be the 4P/6T switch, but you could always sub in a pair of 2P/6T switches and just use two hands.  In fact, the input transformers, which I can confirm are 1:20 from the 600 ohm tap, appear to be garden-variety Beyers:

(image source)

Regardless, though, you can use any hi-fidelity input transformer with a roughly 1:20 ratio and an input impedance approx.  10X whatever the output impedance of your moving-coil cartridge is.  And if you only use a moving-magnet cartridge, you can skip that part of the circuit entirely and just build the 47K ohm grid-input stage (and all that follows).  As the schematic indicates and the images confirm, this product was built in two chassis:  (preamps+EQs) and (power supply+output stages).  Other details: R109 and R209 are level controls, basic voltage dividers with a 20db range.  EQ offered is flat, RIAA, or RIAA plus add’l roll-off, and the ‘Lateral’ switching positions offered cancel out the vertical tracking information, resulting in the cleanest possible sound from mono records.  The output stage is fairly conventional, but interestingly enough requires single-ended transformers, so you will be rather limited in your options here (a 15K:600 that can handle 8ma DC unbalanced, such as a UTC A25, should work fine).

This is a fairly advanced project, which I have personally not built (yet). I cannot offer any technical support or help with this.  If you have never built a vacuum-tube phono preamp or mic preamp from scratch before, I would not advise undertaking this project.  Good luck, and if you build one, send us some pics!


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  • Hi Chris: I much prefer detailed blog posts to eye-candy one-liners on Instagram.

    This Fairchild preamp can probably be adjusted for RIAA, an earlier EQ of a builder's choice and flat (no EQ loop), for someone who wants to do the EQ digitally (see Gary Galo's research published in the ARSC Journal before thinking that digital EQ is a great solution).

    By the way, you had a recent Instagram photo of an Ampex 351 in a Lang rollaround self-contained editing cabinet. Dozens of these ended up in the dumpster when CBS Radio threw them out. Tip to readers -- if you ever see one of these for sale cheap and in decent shape, buy it. It's a vintage parts trove. The speaker is a Jensen full-range (they may have also used Altecs). And it's powered by a Langevin 10W tube amp.

    - Tom Fine

    • Are those langevins the ones that were WE 124 or 91 clones? If so they are probably worth a fortune.........

  • I have to agree with Tom - I understand about Instagram, but its just another style of endless image-stream.

  • Fairchild stuff was well engineered but I would not blindly copy any old design today if you want a serious phono pre.

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