Categories: HistoryIconsRCA

The Future Of Audio (1962 edition)

In May of 1962 “AUDIO” magazine celebrated its 15th anniversary.  IIRC, AUDIO was the more consumer-facing half of what had initially been AUDIO ENGINEERING magazine; the AES Journal being created sometime in the 50s to carry the more professional articles.  Anyhow, for their 15th, AUDIO asked some of the experts of the time to weigh in on THE FUTURE OF AUDIO.  Harry Olson, certainly one of the greatest inventors of sound equipment who ever lived, had some comments that struck me as being incredibly prescient.  I’ve never seen this reproduced anywhere, so check it out, enjoy it, share it, and take a minute to speculate on where this is all going.



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  • Hi,
    I just read your section on RCA and your plea of help in collecting information on RCA technology and knowledge.
    I am an admirer of these old products, but only learned of them first hand from an old RCA engineer (audio and speakers) who is in his 80ies and very friendly and alert. However he is also very busy still trying to make a living, because RCA robbed him of his pension. He has loads of RCA products, the famous RCA 1428 field coil horn drivers, MI-9289 movie theater amps (180watts tube), RCA LC-1 and many such things. I help him put such on ebay to supplement his income.
    ( right now ALTEC 287 serial # 1342 on ebay)
    POINT of this all is, if you or someone wants to spend some time with him with a catalog of questions and maybe some idea of how to preserve the surviving equipment and documentation for future application, the best chance is now and maybe the next couple of years. Many of his friends and fellow engineers are no longer around, so not much time to wait.
    I am writing this without having him asked permission first, but if there is genuine cool interest I am willing to bring you in touch. And I think he would be exited to share what he knows.
    Philadelphia, PA area.
    Thank you so much for your interesting website and sharing your information!

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