The Mics of ’42

Download a four-page catalog scan of the microphones of offer from Allied Radio in 1942:

DOWNLOAD: Mics_Of_1942

Models covered, with photos, text, and some specs, include: Astatic T-3, JT-30TT, GT-3, N-30, and DN mics; Shure 708-A, 750-B, 730A Uniplex, 55c, 55a, and 555 Unidyne, Shure 7A, 705A, and 70H Crystal microphones; Electrovoice 630, 640, and Cardax dynamics, and V-2, V-1 ribbon mics; Amperite PGL Dynamic and RBHK and RBMK ribbon mics; RCA MI-6205 Aerocrystal Microphone; Bruno WS, SS, and HS high-impedance ribbon mics; plus more.

Bruno Microphones Circa 1942

Astatic Crystal Microphones Circa 1942

Electrovoice and Universal Crystal Microphones of 1942.   The most primitive of microphones.  I recently got the chance to use my ancient Lifetime Model Six Carbon mic on a contemporary vocal session.  It actually worked out great.  This is ATLANTIC CITY, my studio project with T.W.  LISTEN: Ten Past Midnight

Electrovoice and Amperite Ribbon Mics c. 1942

Shure Cardiod Mics c. 1942


One response to “The Mics of ’42”

  1. Larry Ward Avatar
    Larry Ward

    It just so happens that I have one (1) Astatic Crystal Microphone Circa 1942 and was wondering if you know how much they are worth today? In perfect working order of course. The label says ” The AstAtic Corp “, CONNEAUT, OHIO MADE IN USA, T-3, PATENT NOTICE INSIDE.
    These are the only markings on it, haven’t opened it. Any info you can give me about this one would be very appreciated.
    Thank you, Larry

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