Download a four-page catalog scan of the microphones of offer from Allied Radio in 1942:
DOWNLOAD: Mics_Of_1942
Models covered, with photos, text, and some specs, include: Astatic T-3, JT-30TT, GT-3, N-30, and DN mics; Shure 708-A, 750-B, 730A Uniplex, 55c, 55a, and 555 Unidyne, Shure 7A, 705A, and 70H Crystal microphones; Electrovoice 630, 640, and Cardax dynamics, and V-2, V-1 ribbon mics; Amperite PGL Dynamic and RBHK and RBMK ribbon mics; RCA MI-6205 Aerocrystal Microphone; Bruno WS, SS, and HS high-impedance ribbon mics; plus more.
Astatic Crystal Microphones Circa 1942
Electrovoice and Universal Crystal Microphones of 1942. The most primitive of microphones. I recently got the chance to use my ancient Lifetime Model Six Carbon mic on a contemporary vocal session. It actually worked out great. This is ATLANTIC CITY, my studio project with T.W. LISTEN: Ten Past Midnight
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