Our Annual Tag Sale Event – NOV 12/13 Bridgeport CT !!!!

8 years ago

Yes it's that time again: Open Studios at the American Fabrics Artists' space in historic Bridgeport CT.  As per usual…

Guest Spot: The Tascam 134 “Pro” Cassette 4-track machine c. 1990

8 years ago

Hey y'all:  the cassette-tape experimentation series continues with a new piece created on the amazing Tascam 134 machine. I've written…

Sansui MR6 six-track Cassette Tape Multi Track Machine

8 years ago

Our ongoing series of cassette multi-track experiments rolls on with the Sansui MR6. This ADAT-sized multitrack machine dates from 1990…

I Went To An Abandoned NSA Spy Station Built on the Ruins of Pre-War Berlin and All I Got Was This Weird Sample Library

8 years ago

It's a perfect day in summer.  You're walking along the slope of a beautiful mountain on the wooded outskirts of…

Vestax MR44 recording #2 – now with DBX

9 years ago

I just couldn't keep offa the damn thing.  Here's another similar compostion made on the Vestax MR44 - only diff…

Vestax MR44 4-track tape machine

9 years ago

I can't stop buying these oddball 'hi-end' cassette 4-track machines.  At this point, I'm up to 5 of them.  This…

This is a $30 T Shirt ::: aka ::: Please Support This Website ::: V LIMITED STOCK REMAINING

9 years ago

On this day, which history will recount as the Day Of Brexit, your humble audio historian/engineer/hoarder (that's me) greets you…

The Fisher PR6 Phono Preamp Circa ’55

9 years ago

Been working on developing a 'NEW' octal -based RIAA preamp so this caught my eye in a giant pile of…

The Future Of Audio (1962 edition)

9 years ago

In May of 1962 "AUDIO" magazine celebrated its 15th anniversary.  IIRC, AUDIO was the more consumer-facing half of what had…

4.2.16: T A B L E S is available NOW to purchase and stream

9 years ago

this is my new group this is our debut record TABLES s/t debut LP is available NOW as 12" LP…