How are y'all doing today... we have a new video ready: "Build A Variable H-Pad." If you've ever wanted an…
Download the original product-sheets for the EMT 250 Digital Reverb and its baby bro the 244: DOWNLOAD: EMT_244_250_reverb That giant…
Download not one but two circa '72 brochures for the EMT 240 'Gold Foil' reverb system: DOWNLOAD: EMT_240_reverb The 240…
Got a pretty good one for y'all today... download the complete 8pp 1971 brochure for the EMT 140 TS reverb…
Download the complete 12pp Fostex "Creative Sound Systems" 1981 (???) catalog: DOWNLOAD: Fostex_1981_Catalog Models covered in great detail include: Fostex…
Download the 4pp 1980 catalog for the original Fostex "Regular Phase" microphone line: DOWNLOAD: fostex_mics_1980 Models covered, with text, specs,…
*************************************************************** I was recently at the excellent DOX center in Prague to see a mid-career retrospective of the Czech composer/artist…
Download the 6pp 1973 Neumann FET 80 microphone catalog: DOWNLOAD: Neumann_Fet80_1973 Models covered, with text, specs, and photos, include: Neumann…
Download the 6pp 1970 catalog for AKG's 'Two-way" dynamic mics, the D-200E, D-202E, and D-224E: DOWNLOAD: AKG_2way_mic_1970 As the image…
Download a 21pp 1978 AKG Microphone catalog; seems to be a performer-oriented publication featuring only their dynamic and electret models…