ADR Equalizers c. 1978

11 years ago

Download the original 2pp product sheets for the 1978 ADR E900 and E950 equalizers: DOWNLOAD: ADR_Eqs_1978 Last ADR thing for…

ADR S24 “TimeShape” audio processor circa 1980

11 years ago

Download the original 4pp catalog for the ADR 'TimeShape" effects module: ADR_Scamp_S24 Pretty neat little unit that I'd been unaware…

Audio & Design (Recording) ltd. Compressors c. 1979

11 years ago

I was recently given hundreds of pages of Audio & Design (Recording) ltd. (hf. ADR) literature from the 1970s, and…

New Video: “The 4-Track In 2013” : featuring John Panos, aka KINGS

11 years ago

I am v v pleased to announce that PSV #004 is now online.  "The 4-track in 2013" looks at the…

Russco Broadcast and Mobile Mixers Circa 1980

11 years ago

DISCO 421: Capturing the feeling that you get exactly one minute after four-twenty, all my dank-bros.  Yes this is an image…

Russco Broadcast Turntables Circa 1980

12 years ago

Download the catalogs for the RUSSCO Mark V, Studio Pro, and Cue Master broadcast turntables, as well as their RTA-12…

Visual Culture part XIV: 1981

12 years ago

Just stick a Porsche next to pretty much anything In Hartley Peavey's imaginarium, everything is made of Peaveys.  Kinda like…

It Could Have All Gone So Differently

12 years ago

I was at the always-wonderful CCA recently looking for some new readings to bring to this semester's Soundtrack course at…

Technics ‘Professional Series’ of the late 70s: Original Catalogs

12 years ago

Download 18pp of catalogs for the circa 1978 Technics 'professional series' ST-9030 Tuner, SH-9010 equalizer, and SU-9070 Preamp: DOWNLOAD:Technics_Pro_1980 There…

Check Out This Crazy Fkkn Tape Deck (Technics edition)

12 years ago

Download the 4pp catalog for Technics' top-end tape deck of the late 70s, the RS-M95: DOWNLOAD: Technics_M95 A few months…