Shure SE-1 RIAA phono pre-amp circa 1964

12 years ago

Above, Shure's SE-1 RIAA phono pre.  I would love to see the schematic for this is anyone can direct me…

First listen to new Stephen Kellogg album recorded at Gold Coast Recorders

12 years ago

I spent a good portion of the fall last year working on Stephen Kellogg's new record BLUNDERSTONE ROOKERY at Gold…

Coming this month at PS Dot com: broadcast engineering highlights of the mid 60s

12 years ago

How are y'all doing...  I recently picked up a large pile of the old 'Broadcast Engineering' mags from the mid…

Mates of State record “Desire” for AUDIO-FILES television program at Gold Coast Recorders

12 years ago

We were lucky a few months back to have the fantastic band MATES OF STATE at Gold Coast Recorders to…

Loft Model 440 Console on eBay

12 years ago

Several years ago we ran a couple of pieces about LOFT AUDIO, a 1970's era Connecticut Pro Audio manufacturer.  LOFT…

1970: Decca Records Custom Console at Vienna’s Sophiensaal

12 years ago

From DB mag, Jan 1970, a short piece by J. Borwick on Decca Records' location-install at Vienna's famous Sophiensaal venue. …

UPDATED: Cook Labs Test Records Circa 1952

12 years ago

Several weeks ago I ran an article on Emory Cook, binaural recording pioneer and Connecticut entrepreneur.  Click here to read…

Hi-Gain PA Amplifier Circa 1950

12 years ago

From Radio-Electronics, 1950, comes this circuit by one James Rundo.  Download the article by clicking here: DOWNLOAD: HiGainPA_Amp_1950 Above, the…

An Absurd Tape Duplication Scheme c. 1950

12 years ago

that's right, git all up in that shit MOTHAFUKKA Ahem.  From RADIO-ELECTRONICS circa 1950 comes this piece on a forgotten…

Les Paul’s Home Eight-Track Studio Circa 1958

12 years ago

Les Paul discusses his DIY'd home eight-track studio in RADIO ELECTRONICS 1958.  Thanks to JF for providing this scan. DOWNLOAD:…