Electrodyne circa 1969

12 years ago

Some random bits of Electrodyne kit that I came across...  Above, their ACC-1204...  looks pretty neat... anyone?  

Belgian Hi Fi Amp circa 1950

12 years ago

From Radio-Electronics March 1950 comes this piece.  Download a PDF with high-res scans by clicking the link below: BelgianAmp1950

Live DJ Set: Wednesday March 06: New Haven CT

12 years ago

Hello y'all... Once again I will be dusting off ye old 70s soul and punk vinyl at FIREHOUSE 12, New…

Just what I need. Another Collection.

12 years ago

From "The Old Timer's Bulletin" Vol 33., #1: a short piece on the minor hobby of collecting and displaying antique…

1982: The Age Of Digital Audio Begins (REVISED)

12 years ago

Above: The Mitsubishi X800, an early digital multitrack audio recorder (1980). What better way to end 70's month at PS…

A Few Interesting Mics of the 70s

12 years ago

Today at PS dot com: 70's month nears its close with a quick look at some promising but lesser-known mics…

Mechanically-Achieved Audio Time Compression/Expansion

12 years ago

From DB Mag, sometime mid seventies:  a really fascinating discussion of something that I would have guessed was impossible: completely…

Leon Russell’s Direct Box circa 1975

12 years ago

From DB magazine, June 1975: a direct-box that was custom-designed for Leon Russell's studio.  I am a huge LR fan…

Consoles of the 70s : part 2

12 years ago

Above: the Audiotronics Grandson II console circa 1975 Way back in October of 2010 I ran a short piece about…

Altec full-line 1976 catalog

12 years ago

70's months at P S DOT COM continues with a fresh scan of the complete 1976 Altec pro audio catalog,…