Scully Model 100 Sixteen-Track Tape Machine of 1971

12 years ago

Above: The Scully 100 is introduced: 1971.  I love these headlines...  "...turns you on...   blows your mind...."   Amazing.  Anyhow... any…

The CBS Tech Center, High Ridge Road, Stamford CT

12 years ago

Above: The CBS Technology Center, development site and testing-ground for audio hardware, as seen in 1975.  An important piece of…

When DIY Gets Sexxxy (SFW)

12 years ago

From RADIO CRAFT 9/1948: plans and schematics to build a vacuum-tube powered KISS METER. In the post-war period of frenetic…

Stephens Electronics, maker of the 40-track analog multitrack machine (1973)

12 years ago

Commercially-released albums were made on 24-track tape machines for a very long period of time, approximately 1971 - 1995.  Now,…

Now for some really obscure shit

12 years ago

Above: the TOY CHEST brand 'Universal Limiter,' a FET limiter produced in 1973. Today at PS dot con: some interesting+bizarro…

1973: The Mark Levinson Pre Amp

12 years ago

No account of CT audio-history could be complete without Mark Levinson.  Above: a 1973 advert for his first product, the…

Forgotten 70s Pro Audio maker Gately Electronics

12 years ago

Above: Gately's Stereo Briefcase Mixer circa 1970. Gately Electronics was a Pennsylvania-based pro-audio manufacturing and importation/ distribution operation which seems…

Obscure Mechanical Reverbs of the 70s

12 years ago

If you've been reading this website for a while, you will know that I really dig old spring reverb units. …

Technics ‘Professional’ Audio Line of the 1970s

12 years ago

1977: Matsushita's TECHNICS division announce their line of rack-mountable prosumer audio equipment.  I rarely come across this stuff; they must…

Neve Consoles of the 1970s

12 years ago

Above: Neve 8014, 8036, BCM 10, et al circa the early to mid 1970s.  Neve's US operation  was based in…