Just in case you're not quite ready to sell yr extensive microphone collection, Arthur Trauffer offers a novel way of…
As I mentioned on my Tumblr last year, I used the idle time during our annual Open Studios event to…
Alright alright. It is time. Time for a new year new year month week new day new pile of records…
Download a three-page interview with producer Martin Bisi from HOME AND STUDIO RECORDING, 10/88. Interview is by Deborah Parisi, photos…
Download a four-page article from RADIO-ELECTRONICS, 4/1949, on the subject of 'build your own disc recorder': DOWNLOAD: DIY_DiscRecorder1949 Above: the…
How y'all doing... srry that the fresh content has been slow to come lately; I've been blessed with a full…
Happy Holidays y'all. I'll be joining my good friend JBW aka Sway behind the 1200s at Firehouse 12 in New…
A Roland CR-8000, a piano, a shit-tonne of echo, and Phil Collins circa 1980. Sounds incredibly modern. Click here or…
Courtesy of reader T.F., download the complete 1958 Bozak speaker catalog. BTW, I am trying the PNG graphics format for…
Since we're on the subject of antique hi-fi installs... download a three-page article from RADIO-ELECTRONICS, April 1950, on the subject…