
1981 ADM Custom Film Mixing Console For Glen Glenn Sound

Tom Chrapkiewicz,  former engineer for ADM Technology (Audio Designs and Mfg) sent us some information on this extremely sophisticated console that they…

7 years ago

MINDING THE GAP with original score by Halpern and Ruggiero in theaters now

Late last year Nathan Halpern and I scored this excellent film by director Bing Lui and it is now in theaters…

7 years ago

Preservation Sound Radio 080818: LINK TO LISTEN NOW

This month's Preservation Sound Radio show has aired, but you can stream the program at this link until September 9th…

7 years ago

Shour. It’s Your Sound.

I wrote briefly about Cairo Egypt in an earlier post. As usually happens on our vacations, I try to seek…

14 years ago

Mixing in the 70’s – UPDATE 2 -Philips Console Information

Philips Mixing Console c. 1974 Since we originally published this post in 2010, several folks have written in to provide…

14 years ago

American Consoles of 1978

Following that review of SONY's PCM-1, on a less technical note: some 'eye-candy' from 1978.  New consoles from Quad/Eight, Harrison,…

14 years ago

AES Journals of 1978: Digital Audio meets VCR

Looking through a selection of Audio Engineering Society journals from 1978, we see several themes repeated.  Primarily: digital signal processing…

14 years ago

Early Electronic Music Technology: Part One

From the back-pages of the AES Journal in 1965: Moog is a legendary name in the world of music.  As…

14 years ago

Microphone Harvest of 1965 part 2

Courtesy of the Audio Engineering Society's 1965 Membership Directory Publication:  today we take a look at some 'full-product-line' advertising from…

14 years ago

AES Journals Circa 1965: Microphones

Our earlier post on Saul Marantz discussed the journal of the Audio Engineering Society in general.  This week we are…

14 years ago