
‘The guy told me that it has a bad power transformer, and he’s some kind of genius’

Of all the non-PCB tube amps that Fender ever made, the one most likely to rot away unloved in some…

12 years ago

When this light comes on,…

...we need to call it a day and try again tomorrow.

12 years ago

This Is an Amazing Object

What is this plastic oval? What does it mean? Apparently, we used to buy SO MANY compact-discs that a tool…

12 years ago

Stromberg Carlson Full-Line (Audio) Catalog 1950

Alright already: it's time to get away from the arch-obscuro-mixtapes, the pseudo-clever cultural commentary, and the puff pieces on electronic…

12 years ago

Fall 2012 Mixtape

It was a good summer for records.  I happened upon a few excellent collections; one of highbrow folk rock circa…

12 years ago

Absurd Vintage Hi Fi Website

Good fkkng god.  3,300 original hi-fi catalogs and datasheets scanned (in good quality), cataloged, and uploaded.  Get ready to be…

12 years ago

1985: I am the KeyBro

There's this new thing called MIDI. I am no longer One-Man I am now an Army Of Sounds, all tied…

12 years ago

Keys Break: 1980

Today: a quick look at some forgotten synths+keys from circa 1980 A.D.  Above: the Electro-Harmonix Mini Synth, a pretty cool…

12 years ago

Without a doubt the stupidest fkkng thing i have ever posted

...but try to tell me you didn't laugh. Courtesy of this eBay auction. New actual PS dot com content coming…

12 years ago

Max Neuhaus, Electronic Music Pioneer

Above: Neuhaus at work on an aquatic sound installation Download a three-page article by Joan LaBarbara on the 1970's work…

12 years ago