
The Fairchild Model 540 Mic Preamp/ variable EQ/ Cutterhead amp c. 1945

UPDATE: THIS HAS BEEN SOLD.  IT IS GONE.  I HAVE NO FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT IT. Extraordinarily rare, way ahead-of-its-time Fairchild…

10 years ago

RTE Model ITA 512CV power supply data

As per the IG post on 3/30 - this is data on the RTE ITA 512CV dual linear power supply.

10 years ago

Magnecord History: The Book: circa 1950

Magnecord, along with Ampex, was one of the first manufacturers of professional 15ips hi-fidelity tape machines in the world.  While…

10 years ago

LINK TO LISTEN: “I Swore I’d Never Go Back” : Live Radio Show March 22 2015: The Nineties

We put together an EMERGENCY SHOW for an overnight  on WPKN 89.5 FM. My special guest is noted 90's fanzine…

10 years ago

Regarding The New Visual “Theme” For This Website

Hey y'all,,, so i received a terse email from GOOGLE informing me that this website was not 'mobile friendly' and…

10 years ago

LINK TO LISTEN: 3.16.15 Radio Show: WPKN 89.5 FM : Classic Punk and New Wave

UPDATED: this program has now aired, but you can stream it at this link,,, Preservation Sound Radio: Theme: Punk and…

10 years ago

INDIAN POINT doc feature w/our analog synth score to debut at Tribeca

In case you've been wondering, "but what does he DO with that sound equipment," earlier this year I had the…

10 years ago

The Fairchild Model 605 Stereo Tube Phono Preamp c. 1959

How y'all  doing on this frigid day in March,,,  so listen, srry abt not posting much new material this past…

10 years ago

Streaming Now: Wed 2.18.15 Live Radio Show: ENO + CALE

Update: this program has now aired, but you can stream it at this link.  Enjoy!  c . This Wednesday the…

10 years ago

The 1959 Ikegami-Tushin Limiter Inspired by the RCA BA6A

Reader S. Komiya recently contacted us with some information regarding the Ikegami-Tushin limiting amplifier, an RCA BA-6A inspired piece that…

10 years ago