Antique Hi-Fi Archive

Yard-Sale Speaker Spotter’s Guide: 1: JBL

JBLs 'in-the-studio.'  Seriously tho you wouldn't want to use these in an actual recording studio these days, trust me I've…

12 years ago

Jensen Explains Your High Fidelity Music System! (1953)

Download an eleven-page article from IST, September 1953, on the subject of "Your High Fidelity Music system!" DOWNLOAD: IST-1953-09-Jensen-Your_High_Fidelity_Music_System Glorious,…

12 years ago

Hi-Fidelity Furniture circa 1957

Download the complete 36pp 1957 Cabinart catalog (presented in three parts due to size) DOWNLOAD PART 1: Cabinart_1957_part1 DOWNLOAD PART…

12 years ago

When Hi Fi was a hobby, not an industry

Download a four-page article from High Fidelity, 1966, on the subject of 'early hi-fi': DOWNLOAD: High_Fidelity-6604-How_It_All_Began Thanks to TF for…

12 years ago

1953: What is High Fidelity?

Lee de Forest (L), the man who invented the voltage-amplifer tube, takes in the state-of-the-art in consumer audio reproduction c.…

12 years ago

Visual Culture

Feeling a bit of an 80s thing right now.  Jesus Christ you baby boomers.  You grew up in the 1950s,…

12 years ago

1957: Golden Age of Hi Fi (ladies-of), take two

Download a two-page scan of Radio & Television News, August 1957, featuring screen-star Martha Hyer and her DIY audio-hobby. DOWNLOAD:…

12 years ago

Mystery Amp Circa 1955: Mystery Solved. Anyone have a schematic?

*UPDATE NOV 2016:  please read thru the comments section!  In all likelihood, this is in fact an original Mirko Paneyko piece,…

13 years ago

University Speakers Circa 1963

Download the complete 20pp 1963 University Speaker Systems catalog (in two parts due to file size) DOWNLOAD PART 1: University_1963_p1…

13 years ago

1957: A Few Bits From The End Of The Mono Age

From some 1957 issues of "Radio and TV News," an electronic-serviceman's publication, comes this collection of American Hif-Fi home audio…

13 years ago