
Live Radio Show: 7AM – 9AM Tuesday 4.29.14: WPKN 89.5 FM CT/NYC area

Tomorrow morning: 7AM-9AM EST (that's NYC time, buddy) I will be doing a guest DJ set on-air at WPKN, 89.5…

11 years ago

Fairchild Pro Audio Equipment of 1972

Above: The Fairchild Integrated Console of 1972 How y'all doing out there.  Today at PS dot com: some interesting bits…

11 years ago

Boozhound Labs Phono Preamp Kit

I know.  The grey box above ain't much to look at in the abstract.  But, it's what's inside the box…

11 years ago

Tonight: 3.12.14: Live DJ set at Firehouse 12, Neu Haven CT

How y'all doing out there in internet land//// Tonight I will be taking a dip into the murky waters of…

11 years ago

1972: Rogers (via Phil Upchurch) tells drummers what’s up

I came across this odd bit from 1972...  Phil Upchurch was one of the most lauded studio guitarists of the…

11 years ago

1977: this is a really, really strange way to advertise a pedal steel guitar

She stood by the TV holding a cup of coffee from the vending machine in the hallway.   I was just…

11 years ago

I need some advice re: real-time stereo pitch shifting

hello y'all...  I am looking to buy a 2nd-hand hardware box that will allow me to input a stereo analog…

11 years ago

New Years 2014 Mixtape

How y'all doin on this cold+dark December day...  been toiling like a farmer at the PS dot com HQ, tryin…

11 years ago

Remember those legends about ‘digital recording on VCRs’ back in the 80’s??

(image source) As a kid, before the DAT deck was available, I vaguely remember talk about 'so and so mixes…

11 years ago