
P/S Video Vol. 7: “A Single Tool Cuts A Clear Path”: Online Now

For the seventh installment of the Preservation Sound video series, we examine how an unplanned encounter with a highly unusual…

10 years ago

New Video: PSV006: Create Your Tools, Create Your World

A few years back, I wrote a short piece regarding Canadian scholar and author Marshall McLuhan.  One of MM's most…

11 years ago

New Video : “Build A Variable H-Pad”

How are y'all doing today...  we have a new video ready: "Build A Variable H-Pad."  If you've ever wanted an…

11 years ago

New Video: “The 4-Track In 2013” : featuring John Panos, aka KINGS

I am v v pleased to announce that PSV #004 is now online.  "The 4-track in 2013" looks at the…

11 years ago

Announcing The Preservation Sound Video Series

Alright!  So we've been toiling in the summer heat here on CT's Gold Coast to get the first three Preservation…

12 years ago