History Icons RCA

The Future Of Audio (1962 edition)

IMG_0001In May of 1962 “AUDIO” magazine celebrated its 15th anniversary.  IIRC, AUDIO was the more consumer-facing half of what had initially been AUDIO ENGINEERING magazine; the AES Journal being created sometime in the 50s to carry the more professional articles.  Anyhow, for their 15th, AUDIO asked some of the experts of the time to weigh in on THE FUTURE OF AUDIO.  Harry Olson, certainly one of the greatest inventors of sound equipment who ever lived, had some comments that struck me as being incredibly prescient.  I’ve never seen this reproduced anywhere, so check it out, enjoy it, share it, and take a minute to speculate on where this is all going.




4.2.16: T A B L E S is available NOW to purchase and stream

Tables_GroupPhoto_2016this is my new group

Tables2016this is our debut record

TABLES s/t debut LP is available NOW as 12″ LP and digital download on Safety Meeting Records; you can purchase and/or stream all ten cuts at this link.

If you dig this blog, you will like this record.  But don’t take my word for it.  Check it out.  Also makes a great gift for all the other weirdos in yr life.  LPs are limited to 250 in this pressing.


OUT RUN, New doc film abt LGBT Politics in The Philippines, debuts 4/8

FirefoxScreenSnapz001In the later part of 2015, Nathan Halpern and I wrote and recorded the original score to a new documentary film called OUT RUN.  OUT RUN premieres next Friday April 8 at the Full Frame Doc festival in Durham North Carolina.  Directed by Emmy-nominated filmmakers S. Leo Chiang and  Johnny Symons, OUT RUN tells the story of the Ladlad political party.  In the words of the Full Frame curators,

“Ladlad is the only LGBT political party in the world, and their charismatic transgender leader Bemz Benedito is running for Filipino Congress alongside two other LGBT candidates. Eighty percent of the legislature in the Philippines is elected by geographically defined voter districts; the other 20 percent consists of candidates from issue-oriented parties who campaign nationwide to represent marginalized minorities like farmers, women, and workers. The Philippines is a primarily Catholic country with a complicated relationship to LGBT issues. While Catholicism considers being gay a sin, many villages have drag beauty pageants, and beauty parlors are social hubs for a highly visible LGBT population who are tolerated as long as they don’t cross certain societal boundaries. Ladlad, taking their name from the slang word for “to come out,” tests campaign strategies: Do they defy the conservatives in power by expressing their authentic selves, or do they suppress their flamboyance to win over the most voters?”

FirefoxScreenSnapz002The story is modern and dramatic, the backdrop of Manilla and its surrounding regions is colorful and dynamic, and we tried to reflect these qualities in the percussion-and-guitar based score that we created.  For anyone interested in election politics or LGBT issues, the film is a must-see.


T A B L E S debut LP/digital album AVAILABLE NOW + LIVE DATE

tables_Mar25_Shot_posterThis is my new group.

This is my new album.

It’s available to order now on LP and Digital Download from Safety Meeting Records.

Tables2016If you have been enjoying this site -my general take on sound and music – you will dig this album.  It’s a synth record.  It’s a strange record.  But it’s strange and beautiful, and it comes from a very unique process + a very unique place.  Please check it out, and consider ordering a copy.  Vinyl is limited to 250 units and will sell out fast.

If you are in the CT/NYC area, we will be having a record-release show Friday March 25 at the Bijou Theatre in Bridgeport CT.  It will be a unique performance.


Soundbreaking: New TV series abt Recording History

FirefoxScreenSnapz001Interested in music production? Well, there’s a new 8-hour TV miniseries that you will want to know about. It’s called Soundbreaking and it’s an amazing documentary about the history and craft of music recording. Nathan Halpern and I wrote and recorded the original music and title theme for the series. We previously worked with show creator Jeff Dupre on his award-winning Kehinde Wiley doc and we could not be more thrilled to have been a part of this incredible new program. Aside from an enormous depth of rare archival materials, the show features over 160 new interviews. The first EP will debut at the 2016 SXSW Film Festival.  I will post broadcast times/channels when available. 



2015 Preservation Sound TAG SALE this Sat+Sun Nov 14/15

AFAopenstudios2015The 2015 Open Studios at the American Fabrics Arts Building will happen November 14 + 15.  The address is 1069 Connecticut Avenue, Bridgeport CT.  Ample on-site parking is free.  I will be there with a big pile of used+vintage hi fi and pro audio gear from 2PM – 5PM on Saturday and 10AM – 1PM on Sunday.  Stop by, say hi, and relieve me of my chattels.  We will also have lots of clothing and some records and books for sale.

Since my shop is no longer in that space, I won’t have component-level stuff for sale (tubes, transformers, raw speakers, meters, ETC) unless asked to bring it??? So if there is something of that sort that you need, and you will def attend, pls just LMK in the comments section and I can bring some (if I have what you want,,,).

Two Roads beer samples and the big WPKN record sale will be parked right outside our door, #310. You don’t want to miss it!  It is a super fun event – there are a lot of great artists in the building who will have their studios open – including a couple of sound-installation pieces – and this is just one of three major studio-buildings in BPT that are participating.  Good clean free fun.  Admission is free to all events.

Custom Fabrication

New Mic Preamp “The Sienna”

IMG_3138Shown above is a pair of Preservation Sound “Sienna” model preamps.  These are the first designs to wear the ‘Preservation Sound’ name.  This is an all-tube design based on the circa 1950 RCA BA2C but with all-mod-cons and 20db more available gain.  It has a true class-A output stage like early broadcast gear.  Three-band fixed 100/1k/10k EQ, fully reciprocal, with defeat switch and flat center response.  Build features include mil-spec tubes, Jensen and Lundahl audio transformers, Solen caps, completely point-to-point wired on linen turret boards with silver wire in the audio path.  Completely enclosed design with internal subchassis for shortest possible wiring paths.  This is a completely unique design that offers a huge range of sonic possibilities.  Defeatable output pad allows user to achieve the ‘overdriven console’ sound of early rock and RnB recordings.  Basic specs below:


Antique Hi-Fi Archive Technical

Argentine Hi-Fi DIY Circa 1958

Argentine_Williamnson_1958Many years ago I published this article abt digging for ancient audio ephemera in Buenos Aires.   Reader N. Dinapoli Farina uncovered some related materials and has shared them with us here. I believe that the magazine may have been called “Radio Chassis Television” and the scans below are all from the late 1950s.  Click on the images for hi-res.   Enjoy!

Williamson_Schem_1958Williamson_PS_1958Above: Williamson style amp and power supply.

AltaFidelidad_15wattAmp_1957Fifteen-watt “Alta Fidelidad” amplifier.

Preamp_1958Full-featured mono preamp

MicMixerSuper basic hi-z mic mixer



Home with Recording Studio For Sale (1964)

LP_sale_1“Only 25 minutes from New York City!”  Download a HQ scan of the original 2-page real-estate flier (‘JD Levin & Associates’) advertising the ~1964 sale of the home of Les Paul and Mary Ford:


LesPaulStudio_2I pick up so many lots of ephemera from ancient studios and old-time producers and engineers that I have no idea where this came from, but it somehow ended up in the pile.  My assumption is that someone picked it up at an AES show back in the mid sixties.  It’s professionally printed on cardstock and AFAIK this item has never been interneted?  Is that even a word?  Anyhow, check it out, it’s pretty awesome.  I am guessing 1964 as the sale date because the flier mentions 1962 as a renovation date and LP+MF were kaput by the end of ’64.  HOME STUDIO.  PROFESSIONAL EQUIPMENT.  Wow.


Radio Shows

Live Radio Show Tonight Wed June 17 : WPKN : 89.5 FM NYC area

IMG_3164hey y’all,,, I’ll be back on-air tonight 8P -11P EST on WPKN 89.5FM in the New York City area and streaming online at

My Co-host for this program will be Victoria Nachman.  We’ll be spinning 70’s soul, gospel, and RnB from the original LPs and 45s.

Go go and click ‘listen now,’ or tune in on your FM ‘radio’ if yr in the area,,,