Antique Hi-Fi Archive

Super Rad Headphones Circa 1980

Kenwood_KH71 KKoss_ESP6_ESP9 Sansui_SS35Download the original catalogs for the Kenwood KH-71, KH-51, KH-31; the Sansui SS-35; the Pioneer SEQ-4 quad headphone; the Superex Pro-B VI; and the entire Koss line, including the ESP-9, ESP-6, K 2+2, Pro 4AA, KO-747, KO-727B, K-6LC, K-6, SP-3XC.

DOWNLOAD: Headphones

I have not owned any of these other than the Superex (which were fkkn terrible), but damn these things had style…  which is interesting when one considers that this was all pre-walkman, IE., these were not fashion items; no one other than yr S.O. would have seen you wearing them.  Any opinions, L U K…

Pioneer_SEQ404 Superex_Pro_B_VI Koss_Quadraphones_K2plus2


The Conbrio ADS 200, Most Ambitious Synth Ever Made

Conbrio_ADS_200Wanna talk about rare?  How about a keyboard synth of which only two were ever made, and only one has survived; the price was $30K (in today’s bread: $85,000).  The only person to buy it?  Beck‘s old man.  The guy who currently owns it?  This dude.    I ended up with two copies of the original sales lit for this thing; I offer to you all here as a HQ scan:


You can read the story of the Conbrio ADS 200 at this Wiki page.  I really don’t need two copies of the catalog, so Kehew, if yr reading this… drop me a line and its yrs.


Holy Moly

500lbsI think I may need a bigger scanner

How y’all doin.  I’m happy to announce that we have just received a massive archive of literature, catalogs, manuals, ETC., from a storied studio/post-facility originating circa 1980.  I don’t even know exactly what’s in these boxes yet, but get ready for some odd + interesting curious from audio-land-past.  More to come…


Live DJ Set Tonight 5.22.13: Unspun @ Firehouse 12 : New Haven CT

DeadRecordHey y’all… once again i will be at Firehouse 12 in New Haven CT, sweatin to the oldies with my good old buddy Jay AKA Sway. Both my sets tonight: all rare psych and freakbeat.

Firehouse 12 – 45 Crown St – New Haven CT – 9P -1A 5.22.13

Things have been a lil hectic here in ole BPT town lately, hence the paucity of new PS dot com material…  do not fear tho, we have some REALLY exciting new developments coming down the pike for ya… details real soon…

Connecticut Audio History

CBS Volumax and Audimax circa 1964

CBS_Audimax_1963 CBS_Volumax_1964 CBS_Limiters_1965CT!  CBS labs, Stamford, 1963 – 1965.   These CBS units still seem like the ugly ducklings of the vintage limiter market.  I have had 3 of the later solid-state audimax 4440’s in the basement for the past 3 years.  They work fine.  No one wants em!  Eventually these will be re-discovered by some hotshot mixer dude and prices will rise.  The 4440 is so goddamn complicated inside, its like a fkkn analog computer.  Anyone using the Audimax and/or Volumax lately?  Drop us a line and let us know…

Guitar Equipment



Today: a random display of offbeat bits from 1977 that caught my eye: a tiny homage to the wonder that is The Internet K Hole.  IE., draw your own connections/conclusions.

Altec_gtr_amps_1977 Canned_Heat_Randall_ad_1977 Charvel_Bodies_1977 Cruman_CPB1_1977 EH_Deluxe_MemoryMan_1977 EV_PL76_mic_1977 Kelsey_Mixer_1977 Marshall_ad_1977 MusicMan_fullLine_1977 Mutron_Flanger_VolumeWah_1977 RecordingStudioDesign_Mixer_1977 Stage_amps_1977 Travis_bean_gtr_1977







Stumbled upon this today while researching a bizarre 60s electric that fell into our lap (see my TUMBLR for deets)

Fetish Gtrs, a site specializing in Italian (and, awesomely, Argentine) vintage electrics.

That is all.


The Fairchild F-22 Condenser Mic c.1965 (aka the Syncron AU7A)




 Alright so this is a little confusing…  Above is an advert for the Fairchild F-22 microphone, as published in 1965.  This mic is known to be identical to the Syncron AU7A (see previous post)…  so why was it advertised earlier, with a higher price, under the Fairchild name?  Maybe I am getting my dates mixed up here… anyway, Primal Gear in Nashville had a pair of these things for pretty cheap recently, but I was scared-off by the necessity for updating the internal power supply, as Syncron mics require certain mercury cells that are no longer made (or legal, likely).  Anyway…  any of y’all using/have used the F22/AU7A? Let us know…  living here in central CT, once-home of Syncron labs, I feel fairly certain that I will eventually stumble upon one of these things… no luck yet tho.


Fairchild Is First! (1964)

Fairchild_Integra_1964Above: the Fairchild model 673, 663, 662, 661, 668, 664, 665 Modules and 668 power amp.  Wow was this kit ahead of its time.  And check out that lil INTEGRA sidecar.  Amazing.  Doubt there are too many of these left intact.


RCA BCM-1A Auxiliary Console c.1953

RCA_BCM_1AEarlier this year we ran a piece regarding the c. 1952 RCA BC-2 broadcast console.  T.F. has also provided us with a subsequent scan from AE mag, 1953, which highlights the companion BCM-1A “extender” console, designed to add an additional 12 microphone inputs (4 accessible at once) to the 2B.

Click below to DL the article by one George Singer.

DOWNLOAD: RCA-Mixer-AE-April53
