









Fairly high-up on the list of ‘unnecessary shit that i prolly shouldn’t have bought‘ is this mint-condition Peavey PVM-38 microphone.   But what an incredible artifact, innit.  Consider what kind of paranoid, uptight culture could have created a shitty low-cost microphone that includes a military-grade locking hard-shell case, thus allowing access to only the key-holder.  Exactly who/what is this case designed to protect/prevent?  If you are concerned about the sanctity of your microphone, perhaps simply take it with you?  It is not so large/heavy as to preclude easy transport?  Rather, I feel like what we have here is the superimposition of two previously unrelated concepts: the microphone, on one hand, and an intense concern with property rights on the other.

I can’t tell you from whence this artifact originates, as there is little information online concerning its heritage, but Peavey Corp does offer this download (PVM_38i) regarding a very similar model; the date of that document is 1993.  I can vaguely recall seeing these mics for sale at the local mom+pop when I was a kid; late 80s, early 90s; and the box made a strong impression: at least to a child, the effect was ‘wow that must be a rad mic if such intense security surrounds it at all moments.’   The semantic chain here is the ever popular Security/indicates/Economic Value/indicates/Quality.   But then what happens when one learns that the object in fact has a low cost, as these mics no doubt did?  Do we still make an easy leap from Security to Quality?  Oh Peavey.  The mysteries you hold.

While the precise semiotic operation of the Peavey PVM38 and its associated flotsam (IE,, case+key) may remain a subject of debate, we can fairly readily assess the object’s quality.  Yup it’s time for yet another SHURE SM57 vs SOME UNPOPULAR OLD MIC test.  Here’s a single acoustic fingerpicked guitar performance; mics are positioned as shown above; levels are matched exactly.  No processing whatsoever was applied, other than digitally increasing the levels to full level.  The Peavey’s output is approximately 2.5 db hotter than the SM57.  Take a listen:

First, the SM57: ShureSM57_ref

..and now the PVM38: Peavey_PVM38

My $0.02: The sound is pretty similar.  The Peavey seems to have less boxiness/low mids, a pretty similar pickup pattern, and a little less accuracy/detail in the very high end.  Overall it has a bit of that ‘budget mic’ sound but the high output is a plus.   I would imagine that the PVM38 would probably make a decent live vocal mic for rock vocals, and probably good for under-snare as well.  Certainly worth the $15 that I paid.


Interesting Binaural article from 1952

Download a nine-page piece first presented in 1952 by one Otto Bixler of the Magnecord Corporation.  Bixler describes Magnecord’s early work in the field of stereophonic recording and reproduction.

DOWNLOAD: BinauralRecordingSystem_Bixler

Thank you to a very helpful long-time contributor for sending this piece in.   This article was originally published right at the dawn on the stereo era, and it’s interesting to read some early speculation about the promise/usefulness that stereo sound offered.  I’ve been thinking quite a bit about stereo effects recently, as I picked up a Calrec Soundfield Mark IV earlier this season.    It’s currently being serviced, but look forward to some interesting experiments and reports on that exotic piece soon.


Holy WTF

On eBay right now: a 1939 (no typo) RCA electric piano, the ‘Storytone.’  Seems similar to a Yamaha CP70 in principle.  But my lord would you look at this thing!

See this link for about a million photographs and alllll the details.  The Storytone has been fully restored; the price is a not-unreasonable $19k.  Or best offer.   BTW, the same seller has a ton of really incredible, really incredible, keys and chromatic perc instruments for sale.  Just when you think you’ve seen it all…


Live DJ set this Wednesday October 3- New Haven CT

How y’all doin.  Been a little slow on the new material this week as I’ve been super busy in the studio workin on a exciting new record for a fine artist…  more to come on that.   Anyhow, wanna thank JBW aka SWAY for inviting me to join him behind the decks at Firehouse 12 in New Haven this coming Wednesday the 3rd.  We’ll be spinning from nine til one for their ‘UNSPUN’ party; i’m diggin deep into my collection of ye old rocknsoul for this one.  Expect loud drums and a whole lotta tambourine.  If you haven’t been to Firehouse 12, it is really a fantastic bar, great space, great libations.


Magnecord-Specified Album Circa 1955

If you’ve been following this website for some time, you’ll know that I’ve written a lot about the Magnecord Company and its products, especially the iconic PT6 (of which I own, and still use, two restored examples).  On PS dot com you can find many things Magnecord, from original catalogs to factory photos, company correspondence, issues of the corporate magazine, bios and stories from the original designer, and all the way up to contemporary recordings I’ve made with the machines.  NEways… reader RM sent us this interesting curiosity: a VOX-label organ recording of Bach’s Fugue In D-Minor which was apparently specially mastered to allow for ideal playback characteristics on Magnecord decks.  No idea if this indeed offered some special advantage in terms of fidelity or if it simply a marketing ploy?  Were these commercially sold as albums or were they a value-added bit when the machines were purchased?  Anyone?

Thanks R.M. !

Pro Audio Archive

ADM Mixers and Consoles of the 1970s and 1980s

Above: ADM console constructed for NYC’s A+R Recording c. 1976

Nice set for y’all today, courtesy of reader T.F.  T. sent over a large collection of ADM console images spanning the mid seventies into the 1980s.  I know next to nothing about ADM, other than it was very well-made equipment: discrete op-amps, UTC or similar-quality transformers, and inductor-based EQs are featured in many of their modules.  There’s not a tremendous amount of information on this kit online, but this guy always seems to have a few pieces of sale on eBay: both raw modules and P+P ready racked units.

Regarding the console pictured above, T. writes:

“it’s got the patented CRT spectrum graph option (left top) and it’s a Quad console, note the two panning joysticks on the upper right of the board. A&R made quad records for Project 3 with Enoch Light and some rock quad mixes were done there too. I have one of the ADM joystick panners, it was an interesting piece of machine work. 4 pots controlled by the joystick mechanism, driving VCA’s. All ADM consoles from the mid-70’s forward used their patented Slidex faders controlling VCA’s, nothing was done directly from the fader. In those days, you wanted to protect your console surface from spilled drinks and other substances. For what it’s worth, all the ADM stuff I have is on par with API, Harrison and Spectra of the same era. American design, different from Neve and the Brits.”

In the comments section at the end of the post (click ‘comments’), you can find some additional commentary from T.F. on the ADM brand and their products.

Scroll down for the rest of the photo set.  If anyone is currently using any of these modules for audio production work, drop a line and let us know yr thoughts.   And if you were involved with the ADM corporation, we’d love to hear a bit about the company; its origins, evolution, and current work of it’s principles/designers.

CIRCA 1976

ADM BC-5 Console

ADM console constructed for KDKA-TV, Pittsburg

Routing system constructed for NBC TV, NY

ADM NRC console

ADM console constructed for Teichiku Recording, Tokyo

ADM TV-32 Console

ADM Console constructed for WSB Radio, Atlanta



CIRCA 1980

ADM 800 Series mixer

ADM 1600 Series mixer

ADM 2400 Series console

ADM 3200 Series console

ADM ST 160 console

ADM console constructed for KOMO TV, Seattle

ADM Automation system constructed for the Voice Of America

ADM Console constructed for WJZ TV, Baltimore

ADM console constructed for WTLV-TV, Jacksonville




ADM BCS Series console

A later routing system constructed for NBC

ADM ST-164 radio console

ADM console constructed for the U.S. House of Representatives

Guitar Equipment Technical

‘The guy told me that it has a bad power transformer, and he’s some kind of genius’

Of all the non-PCB tube amps that Fender ever made, the one most likely to rot away unloved in some dude’s attic is probably the Bassman 100.  Too wimpy to be a useful bass amp, too loud to be a good studio guitar amp, and too boring for anyone to give a shit about, the Bassman 100 is just begging to be a parts-donor for someone else’s broken Twin Reverb.  Naturally, when I saw one at the flea market this weekend, I couldn’t resist buying it.

The seller told me, plainly, that is it needed work; “It hums and buzzes; the guy said it needs a power transformer.”  ‘The Guy’ in this case was apparently an electrical engineer who worked for CBS and held several patents?  Some kind of electronics genius, I was told?  Cum Grano Salis, as the senator said, but I was scared enough that I almost didn’t buy it.   Because there are only two parts in a 100-watt tube amp that are expensive to replace: the power transformer and the output transformer.  In that case of an 100-watt tube amp as undesirable as a Bassman 100, either of those conditions would make it literally not-worth-fixing.   The seller, whom I deal with often, agreed to take it back in a week if I insisted.  Fair enough.  $140 crosses the table.

As I have commented on before, a tube amp that buzzes and hums is not a bad thing; the fact that it is making sound at all means that at least the power transformer, rectifier, output tubes, and output transformer are working.  The rest of the stuff is cheap enough that it shouldn’t be a major deterrent.

I took the thing back to the shop, plugged it in, and guess what: not only did it hum, but it worked, and it was loud.  It was loud and it was making bad smells and blowing fuses in 30 seconds also.  So oh-keeee…   Here’s what needed to be done to get this thing back to ship-shape condition (and no, it did not involve a new power transformer).

This one is gonna be long, and very technical, so please click the link below to READ ON if yr so inclined… (short story: the amp worked great and sounded great after about 3 hours of work and $50 of parts…)


When this light comes on,…

…we need to call it a day and try again tomorrow.


This Is an Amazing Object

What is this plastic oval? What does it mean?

Apparently, we used to buy SO MANY compact-discs that a tool needed to be invented just to facilitate opening the goddamn things. Apparently, no existing household implement was sufficient to accomplish this task, considering the huge bulk volume of CDs that we purchased on a regular basis from Tower, Sam Goody, Trash American Style, etc.

Furthermore, this tool (which could serve absolutely no other purpose than opening a CD) was so crucial to our lifestyle that it included A FKKNG CHAIN to attach it to our keychains.  Cos what does one really need on his/her keychain anyway?  Car key, house key, maybe one of those mini LED flash lights, oh and right a CD OPENER.

I apparently used mine so much that I actually damaged it, chipping of part of the channel-guide.  I wonder: what was the particular album that inspired this frenzied use of the device?  What CD needed to be opened with such speed, such force, that the injection-molded nylon was shattered ?

*Did a corresponing product exist in the LP or compact-cassette era?  How about in the days of sheet music?  Some type of special brown-paper-wrap-cutter?

*Is there a similar modern tool for unpacking ZIP’d folders of bootlegged MP3s?

*Anyone out there have a pile of CD Longboxes saved in their attic, just couldn’t throw the things out?


Stromberg Carlson Full-Line (Audio) Catalog 1950

Alright already: it’s time to get away from the arch-obscuro-mixtapes, the pseudo-clever cultural commentary, and the puff pieces on electronic music ‘mavericks’ and get back to the core values of this website: time-consuming scans of ancient catalogs full of antique sound equipment of interest to 20, maybe 30, cranky retired men somewhere in the U.S.

Download a 25pp excerpt (I’ve omitted the telecommunications equipment) of the 1950 Stromberg Carlson Audio Equipment Catalog:

DOWNLOAD: StrombergCarlson_1950

Products covered, with text, specs, and photos, include: Stromberg-Carlson AU-29, AM-48, AM-49, AR-37, AU-32, AU-42, AU-33, AU-34, AM-43C, AP-25, AU-35, AU-36, AV-44, AV-45 amplifiers; AV-38, AV-39, AV-44, AV-45, and AV-46 preamps; Stromberg Carlson PS-29, PS-32, PS-33, PS-34, PS-37, PS-42 portable sound systems; plus a shit tonne of re-branded dynamic mics, speaker enclosures, drivers, including the RF-71, RC-13, RC-14, RC-15, RC-23, RC-25, RC-55, RC-57; Matching transformers, klaxons, and mic stands.

Above: The Stromberg-Carlson AU-35, the top of their mixing-amp range.  Interesting piece: it has two separate 25-watt 6L6 output stages, each driven by the same mix. Also touts ‘resistor board’ construction, which I imagine indicates a turret-board rather than terminal strips; even the RCA PA amps of this period uses terminal strips so this is certainly a notable feature in PA sound equipment of the period.

The AR-37 ‘record amplifier,’ a ten-watt amp with a variety of frequency-compensation features intended to adapt it to the various record response-curves prior to RIAA standardization.

Above: the only Stromberg-Carlson piece that I have spent a (regrettable) span of time with, the AV-38 pre-amplifier.  Loaded with shielded RCA input transformers and a very nice Triad (IICRC…) output, it worked fine out-of-the-box and it was certainly worth the $200 that I paid for it.  But, despite replacing several of the 6SC7s, recapping, adding a choke, and removing some extraneous crap, I could never get it to be ‘studio-quiet.’  And it probably never was intended to be such.  Anyhow…it’s gone to a better place now.  The AV-39 lacked the input transformers and the meter; otherwise identical.

Above: the RF-71, SC’s top-end driver of the period.  At some point they made some more sophisticated units, including these guys… good god that price!

Stromberg Carlson didn’t manufacture microphones that I am aware of, but you can find a huge variety of SC-branded Shures, EVs, and Turners on eBay to-this-day.