Download 16 pages of Tannoy Concentric-Monitor photos and specs from c. 1985:
DOWNLOAD: Tannoy_Studio_Monitors_1985
Units covered here: SRM 10 B; SRM 12 B / Little Red; SRM 15X, 15X B; The FSM; M1000 Super Red; plus a 1985 pricelist.
The British Tannoy Corp. is truly a classic audio-manufacturer. So much so that the word ‘Tannoy” is a generic-descriptor for ‘Public-Address Speaker’ in the UK (IE., as how in the USA we use the term ‘Xerox’ to refer to any photocopy machine, regardless of the actual manufacturer of the device).
I bought a pair of Tannoy Reveal monitors for my first permanent studio-setup about 10 years ago. I replaced those a few years later with an older (but much superior) pair of Tannoy System 8, which were the successor to the NFM-8. I like the System 8 a lot. I used them in conjunction with a pair of Avantone SoundCubes and a pair of old JBL 4311Bs.
Above is a shot of my mixing set-up at BC Studio circa 2008. All now in storage awaiting the completion of the new studio in BPT. You can see the 3 sets of speakers at the rear of the photo. Not sure if the Tannoys will make it into the new studio line-up (the JBLs will definitely not), but they are not bad speakers at all. I wouldn’t mind having them replace my BOSE 201s at home!