Download the thirty-two (32) page 1981 AKG Acoustics catalog (9.8mb file):
DOWNLOAD: AKG_Acoustics_FullLine_Catalog_1981
Models covered, in text and photo (no specs), include: AKG C-422 stereo condenser microphone; C-33 and C-34 stereo mics; C-414EB. C-414E1 and C-414EM/p48 condensers plus S-421E1 control unit; C-450 System; C-535EN, C-567E, C-568EB condensers, D-300 series live sound mics; D-224E and associated dual-diaphragm mics; plus the proverbial ‘shit-ton’ more. AKG BX-20, BX-10, and BX-5 reverbs are included, plus a wide range of headphones including the K-40, K-41, K-141, K-240, and K-340 dual-system.

AKG USA was once-upon-a-time located right down the road from here in nearby Stamford, CT. I think this is probably one reason that I have come across so many unusual AKG mics, headphones, and related literature at the flea markets and estate sales of Southern CT. The AKG 414 microphone, in all of its variations, is a staple of the audio world and a staple of this website; longtime readers will recognize this as my ‘reference mic’ for audio examples. It’s not the most exciting sound but it’s a high-quality sound that many of you know and therefore I feel that (along with the SM-57) it makes a good benchmark. ANYhow… check out the crazy art-direction of the this catalog.
In addition to the awesome haute-’70s monochromatic earthtone backdrops (see examples in photos above), we have various ‘symbolic objects’ to characterize the products; King Tut represents the gold of the diaphragms;
…a crystal vase represent ‘clarity’ of the electret-condenser line;
…a ‘flower-in-vase’ perhaps suggests the ‘capture-of-nature’ promised by the dual-system electrostatic/dynamic K-340 headphone? Dig in and enjoy.