audio semiotics

Visual Culture part XIV: 1981

Just stick a Porsche next to pretty much anything In Hartley Peavey's imaginarium, everything is made of Peaveys.  Kinda like…

11 years ago

This Stereo Establishes A Social Boundary That You Can Not Cross

Download the complete 36pp 1980 Studer REVOX catalog (presented in three parts due to file size): DOWNLOAD PART 1: Revox_80_part1…

12 years ago

These Dudes Get It

I know there's not too much value in my 're-tweeting' (it's safe to use that verb as a generic descriptor…

12 years ago

Hottt Pixxx (SFW)

  Download the twelve-page 'guide to STEREO' from the July 1971 issue of the International Magazine For Men: DOWNLOAD:Penthouse_Stereo_71 Items…

12 years ago

Synthesizers photographed on stone-colored backgrounds

As the first in a series of "Brief Trends in Visual Culture," we bring you: synthesizers photographed on stone-colored backgrounds. …

13 years ago

Genre-branded instruments

(Image Source) On eBay: a circa 1990 Casio Rap-1 'Rapman' synthesizer/child's-toy.  In its original box with original accessory-microphone; click here…

13 years ago

You’ll Want More Than One

US Marshall Amplifiers Print-ad circa 1979 An advertising executive told me a great story about Arm & Hammer Baking Soda…

13 years ago

1953: What is High Fidelity?

Lee de Forest (L), the man who invented the voltage-amplifer tube, takes in the state-of-the-art in consumer audio reproduction c.…

13 years ago


Today: some excerpts from a piece by C.W. Vadersen as published in the AES journal.  It's a good thing to…

13 years ago

Here’s those EQs and Compressors you asked for. Now go F’ yrself.

Above: 12x3 Audiofax mixing desk circa 1961. I was reading a 1961 AES journal when I came across this piece…

13 years ago