
“Think of a sound. Now make it. Any sound is now possible.”

Contributor T. Fine recommends these excellent pieces on early electronic music.  First, a really fun circa 2006 Australian documentary film:…

9 years ago

A DIY Electronic Music Studio circa 1971

Today on PS dot com: a 1971 article by one Robert C. Ehle on the subject of 'The Electronic Music…

10 years ago

Moog Break! (’72 – ’77)

Today: some Moog-bits circa the mid seventies.  Above: the Polymoog.  And below: one of my fav recently-unearthed period-tracks featuring a…

11 years ago

Keyboard Pluralism: 1980-1982

Above: The Yamaha CS70m (1982) Today on PS dot com: some oddball keyboards from 1980-1982.  Check out the incredible heterogeneity…

11 years ago

Keys Break: 1980

Today: a quick look at some forgotten synths+keys from circa 1980 A.D.  Above: the Electro-Harmonix Mini Synth, a pretty cool…

12 years ago

Great Ladies of Electronic Music: Rosalyn Tureck

Bach Expert Rosalyn Tureck at-work at the Moog Modular circa 1977.  Tureck was a student of Leon Theremin and made…

12 years ago

Raymond Scott, Electronic Music Pioneer

Raymond Scott in his home studio, 1955 "The composer must bear in mind that the radio listener does not hear…

12 years ago

1980 (via Music Emporium)

Download 25pp of excerpts from the 1980 'Music Emporium' mail-order catalog: synthesizers, keyboards; effects pedals; pro audio equipment: DOWNLOAD SYNTHS:Music_Emp_Keys_1980…

13 years ago

Keys of the 70s

Strings & Things Memphis advert for keyboards circa 1977. Been looking through some mid-70s issues of "Contemporary Keyboard" (h.f. "CK")…

13 years ago

Vintage Moogs in Deutscher Sprache

From the PS dot com archive/pile:  Download nine pages of German-language Mini Moog and Moog Sonic-Six catalogs from 1974. DOWNLOAD:…

14 years ago