Download the catalogs for the RUSSCO Mark V, Studio Pro, and Cue Master broadcast turntables, as well as their RTA-12 tonearm and a period pricelist:
DOWNLOAD: Russco_TTs_1981
Since we featured Technics broadcast turntables last week on PS dot com, I thought it would be interesting to see what their competition was at the time. I’ve only ever done work at two radio stations and both used Technics, so I know zilch about these Russcos. Anyone? I will say this: they do have a slightly unsavory quality to them; something about the overall design has a sort of carnival-ride aspect, the extruded chassis sharing the stillborn quality of a bumper-car attempting to evoke a Corvette. I can practically smell funnelcake when I look at these things.
Anyhow. Coming up next: RUSSCO mixers of the same period.