
Bogen DB20 Equalizer Circuit circa 1953

From the October 1953 edition of RADIO ELECTRONICS comes this report on an exceptionally powerful EQ circuit as-found in the…

4 years ago

Argentine Hi-Fi DIY Circa 1958

Many years ago I published this article abt digging for ancient audio ephemera in Buenos Aires.   Reader N. Dinapoli Farina…

10 years ago

RCA Solid State Audio Projects c. 1968

I'd never been particularly interested in learning solid state electronics.  There just didn't seem much point; considering that you can…

11 years ago

DIY Tube Broadcast Console c. 1964

From BROADCAST ENGINEERING Mag, circa 1964, plans by one Robert Tiffany on the design and construction of a low-cost 'standby'…

12 years ago

Suicide Manual

In NYC in the mid-seventies, an electronic-based band arose amongst all the guitar punks, a band that was known as…

12 years ago

RCA BC-2B Recording Studio Console c. 1952

Reader T.F. sent me this scan from AUDIO ENGINEERING c. 1952: the introduction of the RCA BC-2B Console. LEFT: The…

13 years ago

Add Vibrato (?) To Any Tube Amp! (1962)

Download a short article from 1962 by one F.H. Calvert on the subject of adding a vibrato circuit to any…

13 years ago

Interesting Passive EQ circa 1961

Above, a 'distortionless' equalizer circuit circa 1961 as designed by one Carlos Moura.  Separate bass and treble boost functions (2…

13 years ago

1957: Golden Age of Hi Fi (ladies-of), take two

Download a two-page scan of Radio & Television News, August 1957, featuring screen-star Martha Hyer and her DIY audio-hobby. DOWNLOAD:…

13 years ago

Audio Mixing Consoles circa 1959

Langevin stereo console circa 1959 Today: from the "Audio Cyclopedia," Howard Tremaine, 1959: a quick visual survey of professional mixing…

13 years ago